It was my choice

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The lavish beach side resort owned by Prabhu's had the most cozy looking huge open wedding hall in Mangalore...Which was all with hustle and bustle of relatives and friends today...there was traditional Vajjap (traditional sexophone music) being played... guests were been welcomed to one of the most lavish weddings however though summers are usually the wedding seasons for GSB community folks this one was the most awaited... There were rich businessman, celebrities, doctor's, social and religious leaders, politicians attending it after all none other than Mr Ramachandra Prabhu's son Raghav Prabhu who was getting married today...

Everyone looked happy however everyone was gossiping about the sudden change in plans... invitations initially had
Chi Raghav weds Chi Sow Aditi

Which now said

Chi Raghav weds Chi Sow Siya

Shalini tried explaining everyone that it was a misprint to many others however close relatives who knew it was always Aditi who was supposed to marry Raghav refused to marry him a week ago was spreading like fire in the community events, temple...
After all (panchadik) gossip spreads faster than fire ...

Many knew the truth rest pretended to not know it and tried questioning Vitthal about why get younger daughter married before Elder one...

However Mrs Narayani Prabhu the confident strong woman married to Mr Ramachandra Prabhu handled the situation like a boss lady by smoothly having a convincing answer saying they wanted Raghav to be married first as it was their elder son hence Siya whom they preferred would be apt for their elder son was getting married first and their younger son Naman will be married to Aditi three weeks from then...

When people tried to ask why not get both couples married together on same day...

She denied with all the pride saying

'Prabhu's and Shenoy's can afford two lavish weddings and didn't want to take away thunder from any couple nor wanted it to be a hurried affair...'

Luckily Vitthal and Shalini had such a good college bestie Narayani and her understanding and respectful husband who were going to be their daughter's in laws who handled the situation smooth inspite of their foolish elder daughter who tried to make a mess out of this...

Narayani assured Shalini to relax and that everything would be settled in no time...

The wedding hall had the wedding aroma running around women laughing and giggling on dias rituals were been performed , snacks and juices been served however some elders and a few cousins were giving strange looks to Aditi like she was a criminal...

Aditi's POV:

I know I know everyone around me are having different things in their heads...

I know mom dad, uncle aunty even Siya as well is s little pissed with me...

I can hear some of these aunties are gossiping about me when I'm sitting on the dias and some of my cousins who believe that this marriage was unfair are a bit pissed off with me...

Including the bride Siya and groom Raghav himself...


What could I do...

I never thought of this situation ever...

When the Prabhu's proposal came to my house I always thought it was Naman❤️

I never knew Naman had a brother...He was practically invisible... Forget me many didn't see him...he's that much of a private person 😒

It was always Naman for me❤️...

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