Epilogue: It's A Start

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The beeping of the room was all that could be heard. There were the occasional distant murmurs from outside the door, a ringing phone, and even some laughter, but other than that, the room itself was eerily silent.

Opening her eyes, Y/n awoke with a rather groggy feeling. When she tried to rub the sleep from her eyes she found that the room she was in was now dimly lit and that her body had been uncharacteristically sore and heavy. She tried to move again but it was easier thought of than done.

She tried to move her fingers and was successful in that much but as she did she felt something ache and as she slowly lifted her hand did she see the dextrose needle connected to it.

It took her a moment to get her bearings, but she finally remembered what had happened to her and how she got there. The last thing she remembered was talking with Connor before taking a short nap so she had expected to see him somewhere near.

Her throat had been too dry for her liking, there was a certain acidic taste in her mouth and she really wanted to get rid of it. Her eyes traveled throughout the room and saw that Connor was nowhere to be found.

Y/n tried to sit up and reach for the button to call one of the nurses but her body felt extremely heavy. This was the first time she had felt this kind of heavy feeling and it was different from when she had overworked herself and got muscle pain.

Thinking about how this has been different made her wonder why, she then feels an ache from the back of her head which she had already expected from what had happened in the previous hours, and as she was about to try pressing a hand to her head, the door of her dimly lit room opened and a nurse carrying another bag of dextrose came in.

"You... you're finally awake," the nurse looked at her in slight surprise. Y/n looked at the nurse in mild bewilderment, not liking the shocked undertone of their statement.

"Uh, yeah, would you mind getting me some water? My throat's really dry," Y/n tried to smile and that shook the nurse out of her stupor.

"Yes, yes, of course. Before that, how are you feeling?" the nurse entered, turned on the lights, and helped Y/n's bed adjust so that she could be in a sitting position.

"A little sore but I'll manage, thank you."

When she was finally in a sitting position, she let her eyes adjust to the light and the first thing she noticed was the jacket on the chair in the corner of the room. She quickly saw that it was her father's but he was also nowhere in sight.

"You stay put, I'll get a doctor," the nurse smiled at her.

"I'm not going anywhere," she joked as the nurse left.

Trying to relax, Y/n closed her eyes and tried to deduce as to why the nurse acted in the way she did. She seemed a tad bit too surprised to see Y/n be awake and with how heavy her body felt, it was almost like she'd been asleep for ages.

The sound of the door opening again caught her attention and she opened her eyes to look, thinking that it was the nurse. Instead, there stood her father looking ragged with dark circles under his eyes. He looked like a mess and she quickly noticed his widened eyes and how he stared at her in surprise.

"Y/n?.." he spoke in a broken voice and Y/n felt scared.

"Dad?.. Are you okay? What's wrong?"

What could have happened to make her father look like he was close to breaking down? His eyes glossed with tears and the last time she saw him like this was when Cole was having emergency surgency. Granted, she was also in a hospital bed but she wasn't nearly close to losing her life like her brother.

Change (A Connor x Reader story based on Detroit Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now