6 | Sympathy?

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^^Desiree in MM

DesireeJanuary 29, 2019 (1:46 PM)

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January 29, 2019 (1:46 PM)

I finished all of my work so I'm using my free time to complete my next letter to Vance.

In a way, I wanna let him know that I feel bad for him. If the story he wrote down is true then his 'ex' girlfriend ain't had to do him like that, but I wasn't there...I don't know the full details.

"Girl watchu doin?" Nia asked me.

"I'm just writing random shit down," I lied.

"Random shit like what?"

I shrugged. "You don't know random shit?"

"Yeah, I'm only ask-" she was cut off by a voice that came outta nowhere.

"Des, can I talk to you for a minute?"

I turned around in my seat to see Mikey standing over me. What is it now?

"Why?" I asked him.

"Come, I needa talk to you in private," he says in a calm tone.

I looked at Nia who shrugged at me wit a smile on her face.

Hesitantly, I got up and followed him to the corner in the classroom.

"What?" I asked him as I looked at him.

"Why is you playin?" He flat out asked.


"Desiree, you keep actin like there's nothing between us. What happened to last year? We was mad close but now you actin mad Hollywood," he looks down at me.

"Ain't nobody actin Hollywood. And there is nothing between us, I made that pretty clear when I told you about my nigga," I said wit a lil sass.

"What nigga? Nigga, you not foolin nobody with your imaginary mans."

I inhaled. "Mikey, please just leave me alone. I'm simply not interested."

"Nah, with the way you was actin last year, you coulda fooled m-"

"That was last year, nigga! Damn." I slightly raised my voice.

"Wowww, ok. Bet, be like that then," he nodded.

After that, he walked away with a 'disappointed' look on his face.

It's whatever. I made my way back to my seat and got back to my writing.

"What did he want?" Nia asked, interrupting me again.

I shrugged. "Nun important."

"So y'all broke up?" She asks.

"We was never together, boo," I let her know.

"Coulda fooled me."

After that, I tuned everything out and focused on my letter:

'Hey Vance,

      The fact that you gave me all that information without me asking says a lot about you. You want me to trust you. And I want to be able to trust you, but I can't, not just like that. Especially when we're only communicating through letters. Although, if that's the real reason your behind bars, I kinda feel for you, especially if your ex girlfriend was involved like that. I hope you make it safely to your release date.
Lmao. Gerald?! It's not that bad, it was just unexpected. My middle name is Queen so that's lowkey a flex for me. And I never really expected you to say 'reading' for your answer maybe it's just me and my dumb ass stereotypes but I guess it makes sense since I'm assuming there's nothing else to do when your locked up. (You definitely sound like a vibe). But anyways, on a more serious note, my mom found your letter and she was so concerned about me. I think She lost a bit of trust for me for a good second but we're good now. Ok, ima end the letter here before I spring off into more random ass topics. I don't wanna ask anymore stupid questions so I'll brainstorm some spicy/good ones for the next letter. (And thank you for the "you are very beautiful" compliment... it for real made my day).


This one was shorter than the other ones but it's ok. He's gonna respond and I'm gonna respond after that. That's how it works, I still have a lot of opportunities to write more.

I read the letter over before I put it in the envelope that I brought to school with me. I wrote the address on it and placed the stamp that I also brought with me on it.

On my way home, I'll drop it in the mailbox.

End of Chapter

End of Chapter

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