Chapter 25

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Slowly rising and declining, Greyson's chest heated against the palm of my hand. Earlier, when I came back, Laura held his hand between hers snuggling it under her chin. She hummed quietly staring at his face with deep concern.

Seeing me, she quickly helped herself out.

"You can stay," I had told her.

She shook her head. "You two need time alone."

I didn't understand why she forced herself to leave. Being Greyson's mother, she could have given him more comfort than me. Deep inside, I felt sort of jealous by that fact. She had the capability of helping him, while all I am is the girl that's always caused him more trouble than he disserved.

Fatigue made my body feel limp. Too much happened today and I just wanted to close my eyes and forget all about it. I had to run out the room after Bennett told me about what the final part of the mating pertained.

Mentally I groaned. I'm not ready to get married and neither was I ready to be a mother.

I just realized I liked the guy, for heavens sake!

Greyson slept like a baby right in front of me completely oblivious to the outrage I felt right now. Even when he was unconscious he fumed me with a burning passion, but he had the ability to cool me down with just a touch, a gesture or soft kind words.

My free hand was tucked in the pocket of the jacket I wore. My hand lay against my flat stomach and I shivered just thinking about being barefoot and pregnant.

I wasn't ready to be a mother.

Greyson knew about the mating-how could he not-yet he didn't tell me. Most likely he was afraid that I was freak out like I am doing now.

Sighing, I told myself not to get upset too much. Being angry wasn't going to solve anything. My mom was an example to that fact. As soon as he wakes up, we were going to have a good talk. Maybe if I could reason with him, he wouldn't push me to marry him or have kids right away.

Looking back, Greyson never forced me to do anything. He always put my safety and happiness before himself.

Suddenly, a cold breeze blew past me and my body shivered. The thin blanket that lay across Greyson's bandaged chest cascaded to the floor and Goosebumps formed on his arms. Greyson stirred and I looked at his face to see his brows pull together in discomfort. Quickly, I snatched the sheet and covered his chest, tucking the sheet securely so that it wouldn't fly off again.

I saw the window across the room had opened and the wind outside welcomed the cold night air. Getting up, I made my way to it so I could close it. Suddenly the floor creaked behind me and the sound of nails tapping the floor made my heart skip.

I froze.

The lights powered off.

"Greyson." I whispered, begging that he would respond.

The wind blew once more and rattled the window. The glass swung further open and leaves flew in, swaying back and forth until they landed on the floor. One leaf glided down under Greyson's bed. I watched it, looking over my shoulder.

As I did, the floor creaked again, but this time, the noise was from right next to me.

Scream! I told myself, but my lips pressed together. I couldn't get a word out, not even small peep. My eyes landed on Greyson still peacefully sleeping and I hurried to his side.

"Who is there?" It was too dark; my eyes haven't adjusted to the blackness yet. "Show yourself! This isn't funny."

There was an odd smell in the room. It smelt metallic, but there was a mix of dirt, woods and wet concrete. The smell didn't appeal to me and I felt like vomiting. It was revolting.

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