3. Break Up

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Saira Malik

"Why are we going to India, papa? Is. . . is something wrong?" I ask, clearing my throat to get rid of the hoarseness of my voice. An uneasy feeling settling in the pit of my stomach.

"Last night, your Uncle had called, saying he has good news." He started, looking at us from his chair.

Don't even remind me of last night! I wanted to scream. But contained my anger for some other time.

After my encounter with Caleb, I rushed to my room when Dad broke the news to me. I wasn't in any state of comprehending or replying to him. Nonetheless, I nodded and made my way towards my room.

You know the feeling, when you are so used to the love someone showers on you, and suddenly in the wink of an eye it just... disappears. And turns into the opposite.

That's what I felt. I was so used to joking with Caleb, laughing with him, spending time together that, be it in the presence of bhai. But it was more than I could ask for. And when he yelled at me last night. . . I didn't know what to do.

I couldn't defend myself, or protect him from hurting more than he already was. I couldn't apologize or sympathize with him.

All I did was cry. Infront of him and alone in my room.

Even now, as I recall his raised voice directed at me, it bought tears of sadness and the feeling of a massive loss in me.

It wasn't this bad, even the night he proposed to me, as much as it hurts now.

"Rehana is getting married." Dad announced, a proud smile on his face for his niece. My eyes moved to mom, who also had a genuinely happy smile on her face, asking if this is true. She nodded, confirming the news.

Ayan Malik, my father was the second in line of 4 siblings. My uncle, Adnan Malik was the eldest of all, with 2 younger sisters after my dad.

Adnan Malik, a.k.a Bade Papa, is living in the UK, with his wife Sana and 2 daughters. Rehana Malik, 2 years older than me and Ayra Malik, with only a month older.

Esra Malik, a.k.a Pho, was the third in line, and also my favorite in the women. She is happily living her life, with her family back in India.

Pho, being the first to break the 2 children tradition, has 3 kids. Emad, Maryam and Huzaifa. All of the younger to me except for Emad.

I didn't meet any of them, after we moved to US. It was only during Eid that we face time each other. Ot was only Pho's family, whom I was close to more than just wishing Eid Mubarak.

Bhai, who was sipping water from his glass, choked on it going into a fit of coughing. Instantly, mom rub his back, patting here and there.

"I'm fi-fine." He manages to say in between.

After a minute or so, he finally recovers, taking deep breaths. His face turned red from all the coughing.

"When--when is it?" He asks with a stiff voice, his expression turning hard.

What's up with up? He was fine and laughing only seconds ago!

Lagta hai dal makhni me kuch safaed hai. . .

"The date is not yet decided. But soon, inshallah." I nod my head, playing with the bits of egg on my plate. My appetite long gone. "This August, maybe."

"Papa... that's only 2 months away."

"Yes, and we are flying next month."

"What?! A month before, why? What would we do there? And let's not forget my ongoing training." I shrieked, with wide eyes.

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