Roaring Light

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Izuku awoke to see a white ceiling. He had found himself in a hospital, and upon looking around, saw a man talking into a phone by the door. He wore a loose orange suit and hot long blonde hair. He seemed malnourished, though Izuku. The man  finished his call and turned to see the now awake Izuku. "Ah, I see you're awake now young man. The doctors said you could be dismissed once you awoke, said there was no reason to keep you here. And ah, no one came to see you, we couldn't reach you mother."

"Did I pass out, how's Bakugo?!" Izuku asked, remembering the moments before passing out. 'I seem to have used part of the Light, I need to train though it seems.'

"Oh, the young man you helped, he's fine. Beside a couple bruises, he was able to go home after the incident. That leads me to why I am here young man. What you did that day was completely reckless." The man said.

"I know, but seeing his eyes, how could I leave my friend to suffocate like that? None of the heroes were helping him! I rushed in without thinking and did what I thought was right." Izuku said.

"If you would have let me finish, what you did was also seen as extremely heroic. Meddling where you don't technically have to is the essence of a true hero." The man said, "But I'm getting ahead of myself, the names Toshinori Yagi, and I have a little proposition for you kid."

"What sort of proposition?" Izuku asked.

"Well, not only do you have what it takes to be a hero, you have the eyes that tell me you want to help people no matter what. So I wanna train you to become the best you that you can be. There's a beach nearby, so if you accept, we can go over the specifics and I'll show you my power." Toshinori said as he held his hand out to shake.

"Then I accept." Izuku said, "I'll tell you about my power on the way I guess." Getting out of the hospital bed, Izuku found his uniform had been cleaned and folded up on a chair nearby.

"Well with that settled, I'll meet you in the lobby when you're ready young man." Toshinori said as he exited the hospital room. Izuku watched the door close and waited a couple seconds.

"Ghost, you catch all of that?" Izuku asked, seemingly to thin air.

"Yep, I'm curious to what power this man holds while he looks so frail." Ghost said as he appeared over Izuku's shoulder and flew in front of him. "He seems to be really into heroics and spirits it seems."

"Yeah he does." Izuku said as he started to change. He noticed something off though. "Ghost, when did I get muscular?" Izuku, not noticing, had gained slim muscles all over his body. Toned arms and legs, along with a six pack now appeared on his previously weak body.

"I guess I never mentioned that bring you back also rebuilt your body in some ways. Guardians used to be rezzed in barren wastes sometimes, so there was never really time for a Guardian to build muscle and fight off enemies as they made their way to the city." Ghost said. "You can still gain more muscles and improve your endurance and speed, it's all above average levels as of now."

"Feels like cheating to me." Izuku said as he donned he uniform coat and tied his tie to the best of his ability. "Well, let's go find Toshinori." 

"Right." Ghost said as he disappeared again.


Izuku had met with Toshinori as the two walked to the nearby Dagobah beach. "So young man, you said that you would explain your power on the way. From what I saw, looked like you pulled a flaming pistol from thin air." Toshinori said as the two waited at a crosswalk.

"Well that is a part of it. My power is complicated, and to confess, is new to me even. I got this power yesterday after an... unfortunate event we will say." Izuku started as the two crossed the street. "From the event, I met Ghost. I will let you meet him once we're at the beach. My power is called the Light, and Ghost gave it to me. I wield it and can shape it into weapons that I choose.  It also increases my strength, speed and endurance, and I gain an extremally fast regeneration ability."

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