What's the Plan?

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Guys!! I published a new story! If you're interested go check it out!! "A Cold Hearted Reaper (Jungkook X Reader)" Enjoyyy!! <3

I sat there examining the sheet of paper.

"So if that's the spell..."

Jin tapped his chin.

"What are we going to do. Whats the plan?"

I put the sheet down and looked up, about ready to speak. Suga Spoke up, hands folding across his chest.

"You guys heard (Y/N). We try to make a deal with him. If that goes south, we use the spell."

Everyone looked down at me. Jin tilted his head to the side.

"Alright, I'm in."

My eyes grew a little wide. They're agreeing?"

Namjoon placed his hand on Jin's shoulder.

"I second."

"Me too."

Everyone nodded their head. Rosalie looked unsure.

"He's not a very understanding guy."

Jimin stepped up.

"You got a better plan that doesn't put (Y/N) in danger?"

She shook her head.

"But you only have about 3 minutes before the spell locks you down there with him. You think you can get far enough away for that to not happen?"

She cocked her eyebrows, and gave off a cocky attitude. Suga looked at me unsure.

"Yes, actually, I do."

She didn't seem to like the confidence I had in my voice. To be honest, I wasn't very sure I could. I'm not  supernatural being. It's like asking a rabbit if it can outrun a tiger. And if I make it, it'll be a really close call. So no, I wasn't 100% sure I could do it. But I had to try.

"If we're gonna strike, it's soon."

Kookie looked uneasy.

"But how? They don' know you're alive yet."

I smirked.

"We'll just have to let them know."

Namjoon nodded.

"I know a place. They have a portal there. We'll have to hit at night though. That's when the portals open and there won't be as many people there."

I nodded and looked at the time. The sun was going to set soon.

"In the mean time, we should get ready."

They all agreed. We made our way upstairs to he rooms to get dressed and prepared.

I walked into my room to look for anything that could help us. Rosalie walked into my room as I was rummaging through my drawers.

"Hey kid."

I looked up as she walked over to me. She was holding something in her hand.

"You know you might not make it out of this, right?"

"I have to try."

"You annoy me."

I furrow my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry?"

"You're too confident. You don't care do you?"

"If I didn't care, would I be risking my life for this?"

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