movie "date" gone wrong

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(Y/n) p.o.v

The sound of my alarm has awoken me from my sleep. I actually slept good today, which hasn't happened since my first 'experience' with the killers. I hop out of bed, get my headphones and listen my music to get into the mood, ya know. I pass the time before school by eating breakfast and thinking of my outfit for the day. I chose a more grunge style today, feeling that vibe today lol. I walk to school again, cuz §kïññý lol.

Once I got to school,.I went looking for my friends. I find the easily, since olivia is always have a fucking stroke when she speaks lol.

"No I did didn't, yes❤." She said.

"Omg, you're psycho." Dawson said while laughing a bit.

"Pasdfjkvsulbudugohig kids nowadays." Said the female. This weirdly just sends her lol. I decide to join in.

"If I eated soap, I dont eat it because I did. No I didn't ❤". I said. The group bursts into a set of laughter. We hear the first bell ring, warning class start in 5 min. I quickly run to English.

In English today, the teacher decided to do a public speaking exercise, where she wants us to say our favorite lyric. According to her, music is a good way to knowing a person personality. She decided to pair us with a partner, I got paired with Jayden. I was excited, but kept it to myself. I headed over to were he sits and we start.

"Ok, so what your favorite lyric?" He asked. I could see that he is intrigued

" 'meanwhile I get turnt as fuck. I left pizza in the oven, that bitch burnt as fuck' " i say and start laughing. He starts laughing as well. It took us a good min to get over the clownery lol.

"What's your?" I asked, awaiting for him to speak.

"I love when you're around, but I fucking hate when you leave." I recognize the lyric, RIP xxxtentacion. Once he said that, the teacher started to call out students to tell the class their lyric. My turn came, and I said what I said. The class laughed a bit, and so did the teacher lol.

Class was over, and i had to go to bio. I chatted with my friends again, but it was a crack convo lol. Dawson and logan tried to be 'normal', but olivia kept having a seizure lmao. Shes a different breed lol. I then run to bio before the teacher could tell at me for being late, even tho I'm never late lol.

Bio was just a simple class today. Qe started a new section and took notes for most of the class. The only interesting thing is that we have another discectomy project, but this one is more research based. I got partnered with alex, which isn't bad but also not good lol. I could easily see myself doing all the work in the end lol. Mrs. Friske mad us do the research part as homework, I dont know why, bit it is what it is.

"Would you like to do the research at my place?" Asked alex. I obliged. Even tho he did bully me, I still want to know him better. He stopped bullying me for a while now. Which is great, just a bit weird lol.

The bell rang, and I ran out the class lol. I just wanted school to end. I only have one class left, i just have to pull through. As always, I had a convo with my friends before class. This time, we weren't doing drugs lol. We had a civil talk with eachother, talking about what we doing after school. They wanted to hangout, but I had my taken up with alex. I can just hope that the killer doesn't attack us.

Physics ends, and I go wait for alex. He said that he drive me to his place, since I walked to school today. Before I entered his car, I did a quick check to make sure no one was stalking me. He noticed this.

"What you doing?" He asked.

"Just making sure no one watching me." I told him.

"Why?" I contemplated telling him.

" *sigh*, I was hanging out with my friends. I had to go with one of them to their place since it was dark out. When I dropped the off, the fucking killer called me. He then chased me across town. I ended up getting caught and drugged. They ended up dropping me off at my friends house, the one I was going back to. That when I knew I was being stalked. I have been checking since then." I said. It felt good to get that off my chest, but maybe it was a bit much.

"Dont worry, I'll keep you safe." He said, patting my shoulder. I blushed slightly, but smiled. He then drove off to his house. He lived out of town, so that felt reassuring. His house was pretty decent, I liked it.

"My parents are out, so it's just us." He said. I smirked at him for play, but he turned away swifty. I tilt my head in confusion, i shake it off. We headed to his room and started our project. He brought some snacks, but I wasn't hungry. We ended up finishing pretty quick, as we only needed one paper lol.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I ask. I want to be friends with this guy.

"We could watch a movie." He Suggested.

"Sure, what kind." I say

"I like horror, you ok with that?" He said.

"Sure, I love horror movies!" I said excitedly. He smiled at this.

"Ok, lets find one." He said. He started to scroll through the horror Netflix.

"What's your favorite one?" He asked.

"Scream 2." I replied with a smile. Its my favorite horror movie. He agreed and we watched it. Without both of us noticing, we started to get closer to each other, basically cuddling at this point. He turns to me, and puts his hand on my chin. I just lent into his touch, lips parting a bit. He leans in and we kiss. It was passionate and strong. We kept kissing till we heard a sound below. We stopped and started checking. I walking behind alex, not wanting to leave his side. As we walked into the kitchen, I was tackled by the masked felon. I tried to fight back, but hes musch stronger than me. Alex comes in and kicks him in the side, getting him off me. The two then enter into a fighting frenzie. Punches were thrown, I even gave alex a bat to hit him with (he plays baseball, so he had a bat nearby lol).
Alex won the fight. The killer left, we watched him drive off.

"Do you still wanna finish watching the movie?" He asked, his face blushing.

"Not really, i wanna go home." I said

"Ok" he takes me to his car, holding my hand. We hold hands the whole way through. He then stops by my house after I told him the directions.

"Thanks for the drive." I said shyly.

"No problem." He said, giving me o e last kiss. I blushed. He then gave me a paper that had a number on it, probably his.

"Call me, babe." He said and drove off.

call me, babe💋 (ghostface x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now