Chapter Twenty-Three - I Return To University

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Soon enough, it came time for me to return to university. I made sure that my holdall was packed full of winter clothes, including sweatshirts, jeans and even snow boots. I didn't know whether it would snow again any time soon, but I did live in Cambridge, and I knew that the weather could be unpredictable during the winter months.

I knew that I could be particularly sensitive to the cold, so I made sure to have plenty of layers with me.

My bag also had a lot of containers of hot chocolate in it, for good measure, and marshmallows too, of course.

After spending a proportion of the morning working on my assignment a little more, and making use of the books that Violet had handed me, I decided it was about time I left my room to see what the others were doing.

Once out in the hallway though, I realised that none of them were presently there.

I supposed that was one of the things about university, though, people could often be incredibly busy. As much as I missed Lily, I figured that she was probably getting on with some work in the library currently, and that I would see her soon.

Sooner, rather than later, it seemed, for the door to the dormitories app  opened and Lily stepped inside. She started to move her hands together in an attempt to warm herself up, and I simply stepped forward to take her hands in mine, finding them incredibly cold to the touch upon doing so.

I didn't mind it, of course.

Lily's cheeks became rosier, but I knew it wasn't just from the cold outside.

She soon smitked as she caught my gaze.

"Now, what's a beautiful girl like you doing out in the hallway here?" she asked me with confidence. Lily had always been good at this she flirting thing. Come to think of it, she may have been doing that for a while. I just hadn't noticed it, being the somewhat clueless person that I could be at times.

Now, it was my turn to blush.

I felt the corner of my cherry-glossed lips twitch up a little.

"Just looking for you," I stated.

Lily's grey eyes seemed to twinkle a little, when I told her that.

"Well, you found me," she said, as she entwined our fingers together and winked at me.

"It certainly seems that I did," I replied, with a smile.

Before I could say another word, the door opened to the halls once again, causing a gentle breeze to go through Lily's hair for a moment, and gently ruffled my curls, too.

We both turned to find that Ulric was stood there, his hair a little windswept from the weather.

"Hey, you two," he said, with a kind smile.

There was something that was always just so warm about Ulric, and he was truly authentic, too.

I hadn't known whether the two of us would become friends or not, when I had first met him. However, I was thankful that we were, now.

"Hey Ulric," Lily greeted him.

"Hi," I chimed in, too, with a smile.

"I have been studying all morning. Thought I would come and see you guys," Ulric stated, with a glint of amusement evident in his eyes.

I met Lily's gaze, then, as though to query whether she had told him. She gave a subtle shake of her head, one which thankfully only I noticed.

We hadn't told the others just yet. Apart from Winona and X, of course, who Lily and I had spoken with when we had returned in the New Year.

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