Chapter 2

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It was late in the evening and Poppy and Branch were walking back from King Peppy's pod. Neither of them spoke a word, they were still shocked about the information they had just heard.

"So..." Poppy broke the silence. "What do we do now?" Branch looked up at her, confused.

"What do you mean?" Branch asked.

"Well, we have to do something! There's another troll tribe out there!" Poppy stated.

"Look Poppy, I know you want to do the right thing here, but maybe we should just forget about this Lost tribe." Branch said.

"But Branch, we've been able to reunite all the other types of trolls, what makes this tribe any different?" Poppy responded.

"Didn't you hear your dad?" Branch asked, slightly annoyed. "These trolls are dangerous!" But Poppy wasn't listening. Branch reached out and grabbed Poppy's hands in his. "Poppy! I'll admit that bringing the troll world together was the best thing to ever happen to us, but this time your life could be on the line! These trolls can possess!"

"Well if we make friends with them, they won't want to possess us!" Poppy argued back.

"What if you just can't befriend them?" Branch argued. "What if you risk your life and they can't be changed? Poppy please. I don't want to lose you..." Poppy's eyes went wide. She relaxed her tone and then she wrapped her arms around Branch and hugged him.

"Oh Branch," Poppy said. "You could never lose me." As Poppy hugged him, she spotted something. "What the?" The two trolls broke away from the hug. "Branch?"

"What is it?" Branch asked, Poppy was looking behind him. "Oh is it the scar on my ear? Yeah, I got in a fight with a bird the other day."

"No no, it's not that." Poppy said. "But-" She then leaned in and kissed Branch's ear. "No I mean look at that." Poppy pointed to something on a tree. It was glowing. The two trolls walked over to see what it was. It was a small lizard, it was blue and was shining. "Have you ever seen a lizard like that?"

"Never." Branch replied, amazed. The lizard soon spotted them and freaked out, it jumped off of the tree it was on. The two trolls gasped, ready to catch it. But to their surprise, the lizard transformed into a dragonfly. " saw that right?" Branch's eyes went wide.

"Uh...yeah I think so." Poppy admitted. The two trolls were stunned. The dragonfly flew away, leaving a blue-colored mist when it moved. Poppy and Branch followed it, amazed by it's glowing body in the dark. The dragonfly transformed again, into a fox this time. It leapt as it kept moving in the same direction. Finally it jumped into a nearby bush. Poppy and Branch stood dead in their tracks as Branch suddenly heard a voice.

"Shhh get down!" Branch stated as he pulled Poppy to the ground with him.

"Branch what are you-" Poppy asked.

"Shhhh!!" Branch covered her mouth. He perked up his pointy ears. There was a voice coming from the other side of the bush. Branch and Poppy brushed over the leaves to look. The voice belonged to a troll, she was kneeling down to the glowing fox they were following. The troll had pale blue skin with a darker blue color for her hair and the tips of her hair were gray. But unlike most trolls, her hair hung around her shoulders instead of standing tall. She wore an olive-colored skirt with a brown tunic and grayish-green leggings underneath her skirt, she wore a green cape with a hood that hung over her shoulders. She also had a spiral tattoo-like mark down the left side of her face.

"Did you see anything?" The strange troll asked. The fox then transformed into a small orca, as big as the troll's arm. The creature nodded and started squeaking as if it was communicating with the troll. It looked over at Poppy and Branch hiding in the bush. "Who goes there?!" The troll bellowed angrily. "Come on out here!" The small orca let out a small high-pitched growl. Poppy was about to get up when Branch stopped her and put a finger to his lips, indicating to be quiet. The orca suddenly grew, it was now three times the size of the troll. It flew over to the bush and growled even louder this time. Branch and Poppy both shot up out of the bush.

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