𝟺: 𝚂𝚊𝚗 𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘, 𝙲𝙰

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If it wasn't clear, Eliza and Adeline didn't have the best of relationships. It started about two months ago when Eliza caught Adeline cheating on James with some German snob. Adeline had pleaded with Eliza not to say anything and she's kept her word until now. The terms of their agreement were that as long as Eliza didn't say anything, Adeline would stay far, far away from the Hamilton family.

Apparently, the French bitch had already forgotten about what they had agreed upon so now Eliza had to take care of her once and for all. Honestly, she should have just done away with her for good years ago but she liked the drama that came along with knowing she had a nemesis somewhere out there.

    "James!" Eliza greeted, bringing her older brother in for a hug. She pressed a kiss to his cheek as well. In the time he's been away, his hair had grown slightly longer. He'd gained a light tan as well, looking a bit more bronze than he had a few months prior. "I've missed you. How was Romania?"

    "Romania was fine. I visited the Bran Castle for a bit on a mini-retreat," he grinned, returning the hug. He missed the way Eliza glared at Adeline. They pulled away from the hug. "Anything new with you?"

    "The FBI is investigating Thomas's murder but other than that, nothing's new."

    "About time they did something about that," James frowned. "My baby sister could have gotten hurt that night."

    "And that would have been a shame, no?" Adeline piped up, the French accent thick on her tongue. Eliza wanted to strangle her.

    "Adeline." Eliza didn't bother showing any emotion. "How horrible to see you again."


    "What, James?" she cut him off. "Why is this bitch in my home? I thought we had an agreement." She said that last part to Adeline, venom coating her words.

    James sighed heavily, running a hand over his gelled locks. This wasn't going to be easy. "Well, that's why we came here early. We wanted to tell you the good news."

    Eliza felt her eye twitch. "What news?"

    James guided Adeline forward, both of their hands coming to rest on her stomach as the most plastic grin ever spread across her features. "We are pregnant!"

    Eliza's jaw dropped. To her, the news that Adeline could possibly be pregnant with a Hamilton baby was absurd. This wasn't a debate about keeping the family within wealth, no, Eliza couldn't care less about that. It was the fact that Adeline, of all people, could very well become her... ugh. She couldn't even think it, let alone actually have it happen.

    "How far along?" she asked with false curiosity.

    "It has been a few weeks," came Adeline's practiced response. Eliza didn't know if this woman was actually serious. Based on that information, and from what Eliza personally knew, there was a huge possibility that James wasn't actually the father.

    "Well, congratulations to you two." She gave them a strained smile, a plan already formulating in the back of her mind. "James, I've got to get back to the FBI agents, but you know where everything is."

    And with that, Elzia turned on her heel and headed straight for the living room. With steam practically pouring out of her ears, she slammed the doors shut behind her and locked them. She spun around on her heel, the words falling out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

    "Do you think I'd be able to get away with that bitch's murder?" Then, realizing who was in the room, covered her mouth and said, "Oh, fuck. I promise I didn't mean that."

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