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#####'s pov
.Today is a beautiful Tuesday morning full of happiness and joy  and incase you don't know I am still at my uncle's house so I woke up this morning getting to know that we were leaving oh I feel a little sad 😢 okay i feel a lot sad very  no i mean feel very sad alot
Well not that am Heart broken I wish we could spend more time here anyways my page is set and ready to go 👍😁👍👍.so I give my self a thumbs Up yipee well this is good news for  me anyways y day has become very brightned
Today I did my chores ,had a shower, dressed up, had my breakfast and was ready for this beautiful day
But I still had to leave my uncle's house my little brother got to stay how unfair, still it was a fun day for me  let Start my experience by telling you about my journey today,

Today me and Mom went to Oshodi market we boarded the (BRT)bus at 9:00am today and got there by 11:00am I saw lots of things, initially I never taught going to this market will be any fun because the last time I came to this market i encountered many things along the way don't worry I will tell you about that my last experience at  this market so as I was saying I saw many things like clothes, jewelries,bag,hair accessories,bridalwears,aso-oke, laces e.t.cthere so many fancy things I saw  that made jaw caught hanging .
We  were here to get a fabric  that my family and I will use for the EDI- FESTIVAL althoughI am not a Muslims
I am a Christian but, some part of my family are Muslims and some part are Christians and we all doparticipate in the celebrations whether it is the EID-FESTIVAL or Christmas,Easter and so on and so forth we all do participate together as one big family ️💕.
So we were looking for a lace that had the colour of burnt Orange 
before  we were able were to get the particular  fabric but we had to walk around the market which was very trying to me but I got compensated with some snacks and drinks 😊😄yipee yipee I was so happy
we saw various kinds of laces there either too dull for our liking or  too dramatic but there was one which caught our eyes it was A very lovely burnt Orange laces mixed with pearls and stones and had A very beautiful flowery pattern and so we bought that one we aslo bought a few things for ourselves then we went again for a quick break we bought some snacks and drinks so as to satisfy our hunger and quench our thirsts😊so after that we got some trimmings and  accessories for the fabrics,My mom's a seamstress A.K.A fashion designer 😎 so we picked out the few materials we needed to sew the cloth and after we had gotten all what we needed
we strolled around to do see some things we could get or maybe need for our house like artcrafts,stickers things that could just beautify the house
. Flash back
Let's go back to my last experience coming to this market okay so we woke up very early in the morning so as not to meet traffic but eventually even as we prepared early so we couldn't meet the traffic we actually had to join the traffic urrrgh normally getting to Oshodi doesn't take more than an hour but because of the traffic we waited in the bus fo 3hours
it was so annoying from there we got stopped at the wrong bus-stop trying to get a bus we had to walk a few metres to another street and it took another half- hour to get a bus before getting the bus we had to stand waiving buses when they pass by none agreed to stop because of the senseless rule that buses has to carry people only two- two or three-two in numbers normally before it used to be four to three people in number now they have changed it because of this stupid pandemic called coronavirus (COVID-19)  so I had to bend down  and hide while my mom and some other people sat down,and if the bus driver didn't follow the rule he could get beaten up by  soldiers from the military who had all type of weapons like guns,kobos whips e.t.c.the second rule is to pay a huge sum of money, or u end up getting arrested with the passengers on board which I think is really not nice people have the money but to get transportation this days is not really easy.
it was really painful and so annoying my legs did  hurt pretty much because I had to squat,all through the way  when I got down from the bus I was leaping for  like five minutes because I was trying to balance my legs after all the painful squatting and trying to hide from soldiers ,we got there a little late when we got than From the bus we went to the ATM machine to get some money to buy the thing we needed there was either no service or there was much people on the queue so we had to move from machine to machine finally when it got to our we got the money and entered a tricycle we were actually duped by the driver of the tricycle we asked if the market was opened and he told us yes when we got to the market we alighted from the tricycle and payed the man before we could turn back the man had reversed and went away entering the market we were told it was not opened today it was so annoying we had wasted our time coming to this market we went home that day angry and unhappy.
End of flash back
Now back to today we're done with shopping for the fabrics and items at the market and headed to the terminal port to board a bus we first got on a queue and waited for about five minutes then we were checked at the checking point to see if any one had the virus called coronavirus luckily, every one was 100% free
So we headed to the ticket booth where we are to get our tickets we bought the tickets then  we  enteted the next available bus heading to Berger that is the area we live in we were told to put on our face mask just for safety measures I couldn't really breath properly through my sewn ankara mask so I pulled it off halfway through through the journey to beget

When we got to beget we alighted from the bus and then we got into a tricycle taking us to Gateway estate that is the place which I live in.
Berger is a place full of different estates, streets, markets e.t.c
We got home around 10:00pm we were so exhausted and tired I had to skip dinner but I had my bath changed into my PJ's and now I am posting my daily experience today onto my page.
She smiles to herself while her page is saying uploading chapter before i
dive into bed my mom calls me.
Mrs Orsini's Pov: Layla have u said ur prayers yet
Layla's Pov: Not yet mom but am about to.after her story uploads she types her signing out logo
#stay blessed
Mrs Orsini's Pov: alright after ur done
with ur prayers pls turn off ur lights
Layla's Pov: okay mom I will do that (kneels down to say a quick prayer) then she dives into bed and then turns off the life thinking about all what her family's been through the hardships good times how God had been so faithful to her and her family until she then falls asleep 😴.

So sorry this chapter came in a little bit late I will try to speed up things anyways we now know the protagonist name is Layla Orsini but she still unknown to her followers on her page find out in  the next chapter the things that had happened to her family in the past that made them go through hardships and finally to where they are today.
#chacha💖 and see you soon😉.

MY DIGITAL DIARY oh no I mean pinkie 💖.(UNDER EDITING).Where stories live. Discover now