32- Inko / end

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Deku's pov

My mom

Tears streaming down my face, I don't even know what to say. I walk closer to the glass pressing one hand up against it.

My mom does the same. We're both crying now, we probably look crazy but everyone already thinks I'm crazy so whatever. This is a touching moment, those guards can frick off.

"Izuku, your, your alive. And in prison... my son is a villain."

Her voice cracked towards the end, tears streaming down her face. Me being a villain truly did this to her.

"I" I sigh, "I'm sorry mom, it's just kacchan and peop-"

"No, no excuses Izuku" I flinch a small bit at the name. "you can't blame your childhood friend for you committing mass murder. Oh my lord my son is murderer."

I look down avoiding eye contact. Dropping my hand from the glass.

I did do this. I got myself into this mess. But if I was already sitting on the edge then he's the one that gave me the final push into this pit of insanity.

"Izuku, please tell me your not planning something"

"Ok hear me out, once I escape I ca-"

"No, please don't try to escape. I worried about you for a year. A year Izuku. I didn't know if you were kidnapped, or dead or anything! I could sleep for weeks!"

Oh no, my absence did that.

"I'm glad your still alive" That normally resolves issues, if if saying that got someone to forgive me for stabbing them it should be fine now shouldn't it?

"What type of statement is that. I care about you Izuku. And I won't stop worrying, that's why I need you to stay in prison and get some help. Please. And hopefully after all this you can re enter society as a decent person. As my son."

I don't know how I should respond to that. Should I tell her what she wants to hear or what I actually want.

"Izuku" I look back up towards my mom, she was looking down at her feet. "When the villains showed up at my house. Before the hero's took them down. The one with hands on his face told me about you being a villain. I didn't believe him, I didn't want to believe him. As a kid you were always so happy. So kind and so warm hearted. Even without a quirk you still managed to make the best of every scenario. What happened, where did I go wrong?"

The last sentence she said looking up at me. Tears glistening, her eyes filled with sorrow.

"This isn't your f-fault! I-I did this to my-myself, you said it yourself. I love you mom and I will try. I will try to get out of here th-the right way!"

I told her some of what she wanted to hear along with what I actually felt.

"Ms.Midoryia your time is up and you need to leave." One of the guards say

"Already it hasn't even been that long" My mom says back.

"It's ok mom, I'll be here"

"Ok, I love you and I will be back."

"Ok, Love you too."

And with that she leaves. The doors shut behind her just as another person walks in. Oh gosh. He's here.

I lean agents the white wall at the back of the cell.

"I'm surprised your here, Kacchan"

"Tch, whatever. I lost a bet so I have to be here until I get kicked out" He responds his arms crossed.

Ha! Sucks to be him.

"So, I want details. Who did the bet, what did you loose doing, also what day is it and what time is it because no one has told me those things yet."

He didn't respond, Oh how badly I want to break through this glass and cut him. Oh gosh I'm sounding like Toga.

"You know what Kacchan, it would be a shame if the press stops by to interview me about literally anything because the press are actual piranhas, and I just happen to tell them about our childhood and things you have said and done. It would be a such. A. Shame."

I am up close to the glass now. His face now looks like a mix of fear and anger.

"You wouldn't" He says

"Oh I would" I say back, smiling.

"And you only want information?" He asks cautiously.

"Yes that, and a apology."

"A what?" He says

"An apology, I know that might be a new word for you but I would like an explanation and an apology."

"Fine, which on do you want first?" He responds finally caving in.

"Give me the information first, I want to savor the apology. So the bet? Tell me about it"

"Fucking Pikachu made a deal with me that if he lost the bet he would stop talking for a week and if I lost I would have to visit you in jail."

"And what was this bet?"

"He bet that I couldn't name everyone in our class."


Oh my lord this is hilarious. I'm actually wheezing. Like even if I tried I could name them all. I guess its what he gets for calling them names all the time.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. What else did you want to know?"

"The date and time please" I say still smiling.

"Wednesday and its around 12:30"

Hmm so I was out for some time. Now for the icing on top of the cake.

"The apology?"

"What do you want me to apologize for?"

"Well I do have a list" I fake feeling around for pockets "Well gosh darn it I think I forgot it while I was being arrested, anyway, lets start with years of torment and oh yeah, telling me to take a swan dive off of the roof." 

I gave him a piercing glare. 

"Uh, fine.  I'm sorry for years of torment and for telling you to take a swan dive off of the roof."

Honestly that went better then I thought it would.  And all I had to do was threaten his hero career.  So easier than I thought.

For the rest of the time he just stood there in silence while lied down on my bed.  Eventually he was told to leave and he very quickly left. 

Maybe if I have the opportunity to leave I will but for now it wont be so bad doing my time.  I kinda want more people to visit me.  Tormenting Kacchan was fun. 

Well at least I got an apology out of him.
Word count: 1165

Well that's the end. Hope you enjoyed the story and if you have any story ideas you want to come to life, dm me or comment something. I'd be happy to write more. <3. I hope you have a great day or night or whatever.

You people are amazing for reading this <3

Villain deku rehabTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon