Let me tell you a joke.

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"What are you doing here," Lucifer says, his voice very even and very very cold. 

Macy Helgrim is like something out of a nightmare. Her skin is the palest shade of white, her hair the darkest pitch of black. Only her eyes are slightly darker as they stare at everything and nothing all at once. As they see every ghost and every secret that lines the edges of this room. 

She is dressed just like they remember her, in a billowing red ball gown that's almost cartoonish. It presses tightly around her flat chest, even tighter around her hollow back where one can see the ridges of a sharp spin. 

She is older... yet almost the same. Her cheeks were always that hollow, her bones were always so frail. 

Even in old age, Macy never changes. 

"What are you-"

"Don't you dare repeat yourself Lucifer," Macy interrupts her son, her voice like the west wind. "A king never repeats himself." She smiles at him but her smile is sharp. It cuts and it grinds and it sets a fire inside Lucifer. 

He stays silent. There's no winning when it comes to his mother. 

"Ms.Helgrim," Angel's voice comes from the doorway. Eyes go to Angel and see him relaxed, see him grinning tightly at the woman that consumes the entire room. Eye's flutter to the blood under Angel's nails, the red liquid slowly oozing down the sides of his head from where he hurt himself this morning.

Macy hardly bats an eyelash. "Mr.Viceman, you look well."

"You look better."

Macy chuckles, "Yes, yes I do. Nice to see you all in one piece."

Lucifer tenses. The jab goes over most of their heads. 

"Absolutely not," Will suddenly bursts as he goes rumbling through the living room. Will voice is low and menacing, his body is like a weapon ready to fire. The others have never heard him yell so frigidly. This is not the way he yells at Lucifer or Angel or Nya. "Macy Helgrim," he bellows, flooding into the living room as thorugh he were Lucifer's human sheild, "you will not come here and just-"

Macy rolls her eyes ever so slightly. As Will rants, she reaches into the folds of her gown and she digs for something small. The eldest Helgrim reveals an old fashion hand grenade, and unceremoniously, she tosses it to the floor beside her chair. Its ring stays looped around her middle finger. 


"Will," she says plainly as the thing rolls across the floor, "fetch."

Without hesitation, Will sprints to the grenade and snatches it up. He goes stumbling to the glass door leading to the patio, and once outside, he hucks the grenade into the sky as hard as he can. All of this in a matter of seconds.

"Close that," Macy demands boredly to one of her subordinates just as the live missile explodes over the back yard. The house shakes. Anyone that thought today was going to be remotely peaceful has now been proven unequivocally wrong. Lucifer's crew realize that this is a creature the likes of which they've never seen.

Had Will hesitated they would all be dead right now.

Well, fuck. 

William turns back around, his muscles shaking in rage and adrenaline, to find he's been locked out on the patio. Locked out like a fucking dog on the other side of the glass. 

"God," Macy says dramatically to the room, "that boy was always head over heels for you."

Lucifer's crew may be surprised by the scene before them but Lucy, Nya, and Angel are not. The three of them stand like soldiers. Their backs straight, their eyes forward, their brains whirling as they realize this isn't a dream. Even Will, locked apart from them, does not seem surprised in the slightest. He does not bang on the walls or try to open the door. He just waits, scowling.

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