Tranquility: Part 11

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Lena awoke with a device on her mouth identical to the device that Tony had put on her the first day that they had met. She was lying on a cement floor, her bones aching as she lifted her head, blinking away the blacked-out sleep that she had not asked for.

When her eyes focused, she realized she was in a cage, metal bars towering far above her head. It was menacing and dark, the vast open space instilling fear instead of solace. She was tempted to cry; to scream and cry and meltdown in front of whoever these maniacal people were. She shook but pushed away from her emotions for barely a second. She could not give them what she wanted.

Peter?! Getting her voice out to his mind was hard, but she felt Peter's overwhelming relief despite the weak signal.

She felt him jump to life, Lena, do you know where you are? I came to the city to come and find you.

Looking around, she tried to see if there was any possible way to identify where she was or if she was able to maneuver a way out. In her peripheral vision, a guard was asleep, his back leaning against the corner of the cell. Apparently, they had not expected her to wake so quickly, or their budget of security staff was extremely low.

I do not know exactly where I am, but I think I can find a way out. She crouched down, examining the snoozing man to see if he had anything useful on him.

No, no, just wait for me to get-

She cut him off, No. I will do what I have to. I am not helpless, Peter Parker. She knew she was being short with him, but the underestimation was starting to get exhausting. Working tirelessly at her combat training was starting to pay off, she was a force to be reckoned with.

The regret was pungent, Yeah, of course, keep me updated so I can help if I can.


She knew Peter did not mean any harm by his comment, he was only trying to help, but Lena had a handle of the situation, and having him try to bust into this crazy person's facility might just get both of them captured.

The lock on the door to the cage had an electronic sensor, she could tell that much. On her guard's belt loop was a card, which had to be her ticket out of there. Cautiously walking to his corner, every step feeling like it echoed off the walls, she took her time examining her options for retrieving the card. The man had a bulletproof vest on, and an idea ignited in her head. It relied on the fact that potentially no one was watching her on a nearby security camera, but if their security measures were in any way similar to this guard, she was good to go.

With a deep breath, she wrapped her fingers around the straps of his vest, engaged her biceps, and slammed his body into the metal bar, making sure it made direct contact with his head. While he had already been asleep, she had to be sure that he was not going to wake up and become yet another obstacle.

The ID was attached to his belt, which left her with the uncomfortable option of removing it. It was a jagged and awkward process, but when the ID card brought out an audible "BEEP!" followed by the door swinging open, it was worth it. When she had been kidnapped, she was only in her oversized shirt. Now, she was in a pair of cloth pants, and it was going to remain a mystery to how both the undergarments and the pants got put on her. It was sickening to think about. She fastened the belt as tightly as is could go around her waist, which left it loosely hanging on her hips. Lena was not known for her curves.

Since the room was almost pitch black, she scaled the side of the wall, applying light pressure in order to activate the door. When she felt a divot, she paused, preparing herself for the potential combat she was about to engage in (she could confirm that there were two consciences, both extremely open, standing outside of the door). She spent a moment wishing she had access to her voice, the men were so simple-minded she could bend them like clay, but it was no use pitying herself. Her combat skills were going to be put to the ultimate test.

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