Chapter 11

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    Something was wrong. Very wrong. I heard their heavy metal suits clanging like warning bells before I saw them. The Kings warriors. All of them have been put through grueling training and have overcome horrendous mental challenges before they even thought of training to become one of the Kings warriors.

    Their faces were covered in the front with the sides open to be able to view the mirrors which were attached to the sides of their helmets so they were able to see me without being turned to stone.

    "What do you want.?" I asked promptly, my voice steady. It was a foolish question. There was only one reason the Kings warriors would be here, to kill me. My breathing was heavy and my eyes were constantly moving, surveying my possible options. I knew my chances of getting out of her unscalved were slim but they dropped down to zero if I added in Lena.

    "You are to come with me" the mysterious voice commanded. Most likely the second most feared man in the kingdom, next to the King, Damon. His skills with weapons are ones that not even the best of the best could beat. Tasked with the torture and killing of all those who oppose the king and those related. He has never failed to complete his mission.  It's not a surprise that he would have come after me, but I had hoped I would have been able to evade him.

    "Absolutely not. I will never go with you." I said with malice in my voice as I spat at his feet. My hands tightened on Lena as I sucked in my breath. I just directly disrespected the second in command. It was a death wish and I knew it.

    "I'm afraid that you have no choice." He signaled a command and soon all of his men were rushing towards me. I was grabbed by the arm. I tried to pull away but it was of no use. My other arm was being pulled away. I looked over to Lena only to see her being struck over the head. She fell to the ground with a loud thud. She was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder and carried away.

A bag of some kind was placed over my head before I could even comprehend what was happening to me. I struggled and screamed as they tied up my hand and legs. All hands were suddenly gone from my body before all I saw was black.
Well. There you have it.
I have ideas for more chapters so I'll try not to take too long to post again.
I hoped you enjoyed! :)
Instagram: @lizziepetrich

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