PART 2: "Second Trial Trauma"

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While everyone was laughing and having fun, a small monitor lowered from the ceiling, revealing their friends in the Class Trial. 
“I'm guessing this is for us to watch the trial happen..” Chihiro sighed. “I guess it wouldn't hurt to watch, right?” He muttered, sitting down in front of it. A few seconds later, Sayaka and Leon joined him and sat down next to Chihiro.


'So we're going to have to watch every trial that happens?.. This is going to get scary..' I crossed my legs and stared at the screen, almost passing out. I couldn't do this.. I didn't want to see this.. I could just cover my eyes, but I don't want to seem weak in front of my friends. “I've got to be strong! Yeah!”
The other two looked at me, confused. 'Ah, I said that last bit out loud.. Oops.' I laughed nervously and looked back at the monitor screen, almost crying. It felt so confusing.. I couldn't understand one bit of the trial. 'I really am dumb..'
As the video got more in, I started muttering to myself. The trial was lasting forever.. And it wass only around 40 minutes in, until..



Everyone stood in horror as the one, the only, Genocide Jack appeared from the person that was once Toko.
“This is the 'Genocide Jack' person I told you about.. As I said, Toko has a split personality, one side is.. You know, Toko, the other side is Genocide Jack. The famous Serial Killer.” Togami said with a sigh. He did not sound impressed at all. More like.. Annoyed. More annoyed than usual, that is.

“DING DING DING! THAT'S RIGHT, PRETTY BOYY!~ And I can admit it, I did *not* kill Cheerio!~ KYAHAHA!” Toko- No, Genocide Jack spat out suddenly. Everyone was still quiet, standing in shock.

“Do you have any proof you didn't do it? For all we know, you could be lying.” Togami stared at Genocide Jack menacingly, as in to say, 'Shut up, you scumbag.'.

“Weeeellll~ If I did kill 'er, I would've used my usual technique! USING MY SCISSORS!~” She pulled out two pairs of scissors out of nowhere, laughing maniacally. “And I only kill boys! CUUUTE boys, in fact!~” Genocide Jack continued. “Care to explain that, Rich man?!~”


'Damn, some people really are dumb fucks! I really want to kill them all, right here, right now! But I can't, or I'll also die.. What a bummer. KYAHAHA!' I looked at everyone, swinging my scissors around wrecklessly. I didn't care if I hurt someone, that's all part of the fun.


“HOL' UP!” Leon yelled out of nowhere. “Jeez, what a plot twist! I never would've saw that comin'! Toko is actually a Serial Killer?! THAT'S AWESOME!”

Sayaka sighed at Leon being rediculous. Chihiro was shaking nervously, knowing what would come up soon.. He didn't want them to know, it was too early.. What if he got bullied by them? What if they didn't want to be friends because he had lied to them?! Chihiro sighed.
“Be quiet Leon! We're trying to watch! Look, we're getting onto the intere-” Sayaka paused. She slowly looked at Chihiro, Leon also doing what Sayaka did, practically copying her moves.

“You're a-” They both looked confused, and Leon started yelling in confusion. “YOU'RE A GUY?! WHY DIDNT YOU- WHEN DID- HOW- DO YOU- WHAT?!” He started blurting out random questions, Sayaka punching him in the face to make him shut up.

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