Chapter Two

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Now that you know about me being an orphan and a genius, I should move on to the actually useful information. For example, what's my name and what do I look like. At this point, I could be anyone and you would just walk past me on a street without knowing it's me.

First feature everyone seems to pay attention to when they look at me is my eyes. I have what is called complete heterochromia: one of my eyes is dark brown and the other is blue. That is another rarity I have.

I've got it from my dad, which is a shame. There's nothing wrong with the eye color itself, it's just the fact it makes me look like my dad.

My appearance in general is darker than most of my friends. I have dark brown, nearly black, eyebrows and hair. I look more like my mother than my dad, and that is fortunate.

Not that there was nothing wrong with the way my dad looked. Somehow I just find it hard to see someone as good-looking if I don't like their personality. The same goes the other way too: I can find even the least wondrous looking people handsome or beautiful after I realize how nice they are.

Girls seem to like my appearance in general, so I guess I'm not totally abysmal. Speaking of girls, I play for the other team. I'm openly gay and most of my friends also fit in the LGBTQIA+ category. Okay, who am I kidding, they all fit in the category.

What else? My favorite color is yellow and I don't like violet. I'm mostly vegan, but I don't say no to milk chocolate if someone wants to offer me a piece. I like tofu curry, as spicy as possible. Coriander is the only food I simply can't swallow.

I like listening grunge and rock and my all time favorite is Pearl Jam. Eddie Vedder's voice and their lyrics are something you can't find from music nowadays. Just saying.

I speak three languages fluently thanks to my parents who spoke English to each other and made us talk their native languages when only one parent was present. Our home in general was a mixture of two cultures. We greeted half of our extended family with Wai and our mom cooked us dishes like Pad Thai and Tom Yum Goong. Then we went to a sauna and dad familiarized us with Karelian pasties and Fazer Blue.

And finally, my name is Daniel and I am 23 years old. That's pretty much everything I have to say about me.

Actually, I'm not that interesting and maybe you would rather hear about the fact I was currently sitting in my sister's car and we were listening some not so spectacular hit from radio.

Lina's brown eyes had a knowing, albeit sad look in them, even when she smiled. Her dark brown hair was tied on top of her head into a messy bun. She was as beautiful as ever in her immaculate way and she looked just like our mother.

She was still looking fragile in her peach colored tank top and yellow skirt, even though she was telling everyone she was fully recovered. She used to have bulimia, or it could have been anorexia, I'm not sure. We don't really talk about that kind of stuff. She does eat better these days, but I wouldn't say she's all clear.

In my opinion, Lina is the smart one in our family. Maybe not at school, but in life. She has dated three guys (less than me) and she knows what it's like to be in a serious relationship (I don't). She understands how the others are feeling just by looking at them. She has seen what it's like to be ripped from all one's rights when she was too sick to take care of herself.

I could continue like this forever, but maybe you got the point. She's smart in a way that's actually useful in life.

"So how does it feel, your new beginning?" Lina asked when we had already arrived to the countryside. There were fields and lakes wherever I looked.

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