Chapter Nine

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I had to embrace the sobbing girl in front of me. I didnt know how it felt to loose a parent but it would be horrible no to mention loosing both at young age. It would be devastating. If I lost my parent's I don't think I'll ever be the same again. And her mother, her mother sounded a bit horrible. How could she do that to her daughter not minding the trauma it would cause?

"It's okay Amy. Its ok. You're fine now"  i tired consoling her. I knew she hadn't finished the story because she talked of being in a pack but now she's a rogue. I tried to figured out anything that could hurt her enough to leave. Did the pack chase her? Was she too hurt she couldn't bear she pain or did she loose her mate too? Different questions kept popping up in my head. My wolf kept whining at me to hold Amy tighter and i did just that.

It wasn't long before the crying female in my arms calmed down. From her breathing i could tell she had fallen asleep. Her body was still weak after waking up and i blamed myself for stressing her. I carefully arranged her on the bed before covering her properly with the blanket.

The first time i entered the room and looked into her eyes i was star struck. Her big brown eyes just stared at me and i didn't know what to do. She looked so pale and fragile, like she could break at any moment. But even with that she looked beautiful.

"Oh shit" i whispered out as i remembered i forgot to inform the Beta family.

'because her beauty distracted you' my wolf smirked at me

'oh hush' i said to him. He could be annoying when he wanted to be but i loved him regardless.

I walked out of the room and mindlinked the whole beta family to meet me at Adam's house. I couldn't bring them here cause Amelia clearly didn't like Elena. I could sense it from the growl that slipped past her lips when i mentioned the name. I understood her though. If it wasn't for Elena she wouldn't have suffered like she did.

By the time i got there everyone was already present. We said our hellos and sat down. Rachel offered me a glass of water which I happily took. My throat felt dry and this water was much needed.

"I have good news and bad news for you guys."i finally told them.

"What happened?" Amanda was the first to open her mouth.

"Well Amelia is awake" I saw the confusion on all their faces. Oh wait they don't know her real name is Amelia.

"Who's that?" Adam asked

"Anna, her name is actually Amelia. She finally woke up"

"That's amazing"

"woah why didnt you tell us earlier"

"can we go see her now?" I could tell they were all happy but i was about to burst that bubble.

"You can't" i told them, putting the happy atmosphere to a stop.

"Why not?" Elena asked

"I don't know how to say this nicely but she seems to hates you Elena. I'm sorry. When i mentioned your name to her she was so angry and i could literally smell the hate and anger all over her." I solemnly said to her. Her smile fell and i didn't have a choice but to continue talking. "Not just that. She doesn't want to talk to anyone. She didn't even talk to the doctor"

"Then how do you know her name?" Rachael asked curiously.

"She talked to me only after i told her she could stay or leave. I think at first she thought i would keep her captive. She also told me a little about herself too. She told me about her old pack and her family. That much i can share but i could tell her life was not easy because she went into tears before she could finish her story. I only came down here when she finally slept." I said without pausing. They all just stared at me short of words. I couldn't blame them though.

"Its okay Aunt Elena. She'll come around" Amanda tried to console Elena when she started sobbing. Adam's father went up to her and hugged his sister. He excused himself and took her away. His wife was hot on his trail as the three of them left.

"She's an ungrateful rogue afterall. What did we expect? Ofcourse she is a rogue. Absolutely no......" Rachael started to rant off and by this point i was so mad at her.

"Shut up Rachael. You have no idea what you're saying" i yelled at her. I didn't mean to yell at her but i just couldn't take it.

"Why are you yelling at me? All i said was the absolute truth."

"You have no idea what she's been through in her life. Did you expect her to smile and thank Elena after what Carl and that pack did to her? Hell she wouldn't even talk to anyone not even her attending doctor."

"Why do you care so fucking much about the rogue Luke? You're being weirder than usual. I know since your mate...." Rachael tried to say but i wasn't going going to listen.

"Shut up" Adam snapped at her looking livid. Rachael was getting more and more disrespectful. I only tolerated her because she was from the beta family. If It was anyone else I would have punished her already.

"Rachel, it seems like you enjoy testing my patience. This is my last warning to you. Mind the way you address me, i am your Alpha" the anger i was emanating forced her to her knees while the other just bowed their heads. I heard the baby crying by the corner and knowing he was affected by the pressure i calmed down

"You all know nothing. All rogues are not horrible. You have no idea what they've been through. Put yourself in their shoes for once. Most of them suffer unjustly." I stood up said my goodbyes and left. I couldn't sit there and listen anymore. Adam and his mate looked disturbed but Rachael had a whole look of anger on her face.

A part of me knew right there she was going to start trouble with Amelia but the other part of me disagreed. Rachael probably won't do that. She might be annoying at times but she would never try to trouble randomly.

Stepping out of Adam's home, i changed into my wolf and run off. I needed to cool down.

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