3. one of the greatest arguers

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          𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐀 child, once the birthday boy passed out at 9:00, the adults took the time to have some fun of their own

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          𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐀 child, once the birthday boy passed out at 9:00, the adults took the time to have some fun of their own. Most of that fun included fancy wine that JJ and Will provided, but for the Georgetown trio, they took the edge off by spiking their own fruit punch with a flask of vodka that Jasmine "coincidentally" brought along. It really allowed them to assess the lightyears of maturity between themselves and the FBI agents they sat across from in a circle around the fire pit.

Most of the party had trickled out an hour or so before. Francesca, Jasmine, and Ingrid were contemplating leaving as well, but JJ pleaded for them to stay and talk for a little longer. Once Jasmine whipped out her flask, they knew a little longer would turn into a lot longer. Ingrid took one for the team, considering she had driven the group; she was more than happy to, though, for her tipsy friends never failed to entertain her.

Francesca and Jasmine sipped their mixed drinks as the agents reminisced about a case they had just investigated. Francesca, working in law herself, was the most interested as she eavesdropped on the conversation about the criminals they've encountered and cases they've solved. It wasn't until a question directed towards her was asked that made her snap out of her mesmerized trance.

It was Derek, which definitely made Jasmine begin to pay closer attention. "So, you roommates," he pointed at the three girls huddled close together in lawn chairs. "What do you guys do for a living?"

"I went to school to be a doctor," Jasmine nodded, causing Francesca and Ingrid to stare at her with confusion.

"That's really cool!" Emily spoke up. "What do you specialize in?"

Francesca stuck her hand up, "She actually specializes in lying. She never finished med school."

"Alright, no need to expose me," Jasmine shot Francesca daggers, annoyed that the girl blew her shot at impressing Derek. "She may be right, but I am a secretary at a doctor's office for now, so technically –"

"There is no technically, Jas," Francesca kept the joke going, well aware that she'd get a lecture on the car ride home. But, the laughs from everyone else made it worth it.

"Well, I do work in the area I studied," Ingrid playfully bragged, giving Jasmine a friendly punch on the arm. "I got my Masters in business, but I'm currently working on advertising for a local clothing company."

"That must explain why your outfit is so cute," Penelope grinned, Ingrid blushing with gratitude.

"How about you, jokester?" Derek pointed to Francesca.

"She is actually a paralegal," JJ answered for her. Francesca stole a glimpse at Spencer, who happened to be reciprocating the gesture. His expression read I-knew-that-already, a clear reference to their prior conversation in the living room. She rolled her eyes before commenting.

"Yeah, I work at a local firm. I want to go to law school at some point, though, and become a lawyer," Francesca hashed her career goals, which she was so hesitant to start pursuing.

"Griff is literally one of the greatest arguers I've ever met. Even when she's wrong, she continuously convinces me that she's right," JJ gushed. "I wasn't shocked in the slightest when she told me she wanted to be a lawyer."

"Oh yeah?" David chimed in. "What kind of law are you thinking about practicing?"

"Criminal," Francesca responded, earning nods from the team.

"I'm surprised JJ hasn't ever told us that," Derek commented. "You should come check out the psychos we see."

"That would actually be really cool," Francesca was trying to keep her composure. Derek made a good point, however. Not that Francesca expected JJ to talk about her, but she wondered why she never asked JJ for an opportunity to scope out the field. She figured it was because she didn't believe she was good enough to step foot in the FBI, even as a temporary guest.

Francesca decided to keep talking. "I'm interested in what you guys do as well. I definitely couldn't handle going into the field or anything, but forensic psychology was a huge chunk of my grad school years."

"Well, would you want to come shadow us for a day or two?" Aaron asked, making Francesca tighten up with nerves. JJ mentioned during the day that Aaron Hotchner was her superior. How could she turn down an offer from him?

"I don't dish out these opportunities very often, but you're JJ's friend, and from what she's said about you, it seems like you're really dedicated to your work," Aaron continued, JJ sending a wink to Francesca.

"Wow, tha-that would be incredible," Francesca tried hard not to stutter. "I'd love to!"

"Great," Aaron nodded. "I can create a schedule this week and have JJ send it over to you."

"Finally, someone who's good at arguing and can question the weird shit that comes out of Reid's mouth," Derek scoffed, poking fun at the nerd yet again.

Everybody laughed, as they would at a Derek joke. A weird compulsion pulled Francesca's attention over to Spencer yet again. He was staring at his feet, embarrassed by Derek's statement, but it didn't take him long to feel the girl staring at him. He looked up, giving Francesca a close-lipped smile.

She raised her eyebrows at Spencer, at least to say she acknowledged him. She couldn't lie to herself – she was intrigued by the boy, but how could one not be? A doctor at twenty-eight and a literal genius. It didn't seem real to her.

Maybe, she thought, as Spencer started talking to Penelope beside him, this time at the B.A.U. will allow her to figure him out.


griff is headed to the bau!
can def see her and morgan bonding

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