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Erica's POV

*After Three Months*

"Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me"

I was singing and played Andrea's keyboard piano. I missed her so much. I am surprise that I love to sing and play keyboard piano perhaps those were Andrea's favourite. I used to bad in singing and out of tune. Eddie was surprised too because he said I sing well. I have decided to take musical course because I'm getting in love with music. Still, I love teaching. I have planed to teach music after I graduated my musical course.

After my heart surgery doctor recommended that I have to rest at least half year only could do the 'normal activities'. Therefore I currently stay at Mr and Mrs Holland's home and Andrea's room. Her room filled with memories. Besides, we have stopped her rental at her studio and shifted out her belongings back to her house.

For my parents' side, thankfully they no longer control my sexuality. They would stay in England because of their career and they would pay me visit once or twice per month. They appreciated Mr and Mrs Holland let me stay at their place and my parents fond with this couple, thanks god.

When I opened Andrea's closet I smiled when I saw all her clothes hang neatly. My fingertips trailed all her clothes till her favourite's dark brown leather jacket and I paused. I swallowed my lump to hold my tears. I flashback our first date and she sang and confess to me. That was the leather jacket she wore... My eyes started watery and I pulled her leather jacket out and I saw something inside her pocket. After i checked it was a pen drive and a folded paper. I quickly unfold the paper and I saw that was a letter from Andrea.

"Dear Erica my stunning girlfriend,

I just want to tell you that how much lucky that I have met you. You have changed my life, but in a good way of course. When the first day I saw you, you have caught my eyes. I know you are different from other girls I have met and you are special to me. I was a player, I only believe that love is just a game before I met you, but you make me know that love is not a game. Love is not a temporary feeling or emotion. Emotions and feelings change sometimes daily, but true unconditional love is everlasting.

I was regret I made a mistake. That day, I should keep you stay instead of let go of you. That day my heart was broken when you decided broke up with me. After you left, I knew that our love is real and I have decided to wait for you back to my side. I'm glad you giving me a chance to be with you again. I'm ready to grow old with you and we have to put a faith on us.

I love you more than words can show, I think about you more than you could ever know, until forever this will be true, because there is no one I would ever love the way I love you.

I love you princess. I'll always be in your heart. Erica Robinson, Will you marry me?"

"Of course I do! Andrea Holland" I sobbed uncontrollably and I held Andrea's favourite leather jacket close to my chest. I sniffed and heaved my shoulder violently. "Oh dear." Mrs Holland quickly embraced me and I rest my head on the crook of her neck "Mum, I loved Andrea so much! I missed her!" I sniffed "She... She was gone.." I whispered "She never comes back to me..." Mrs Holland tightened her hug and kissed top of my head "She is still here sweetheart, she is right here." Mrs Holland mumbled and place one of her hand to my heart. I held her hand and continue cried out loud.

Yes, Mr and Mrs Holland preferred me call them mum and dad after they lost Andrea as I'm gladly to call them mum and dad too. Since I was together with Andrea, we have spent a lot of time together with her parents and our relationships were getting fond and more like a family. They were understanding parents. They knew I have my problems with my family but they still open arms to welcome me anytime I need.

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