Chapter 9

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"So, Let me get this staight, the design that Poppy wants is 'glittery'?"
Chenille asked

"Well, that's what I heard from Poppy"
Satin began sketching the designs

"Well, If it's a dress they want then a dress they will get!"
Chenille was about to get their 'Dress fabrics'

But Satin stopped her
"Wait sister, I think she wants something more, you know, suiting"

Chenille thought of it
"Hmm I am picturing what would happen if they were all glittery!"

"Then that's that! Let's make them some costumes!"
Satin said

The twins begin making the costumes


"Amazing Rehearsal guys!"
Poppy said

Barb was panting
"Whoo! That was a lot of pressure!"

"Save it for the contest!"
Poppy winked

Branch walked by
"Hey Poppy!"

"Oh hey Branch!"
Poppy waved

"So, fixed things with Barb?"
Branch asked

"Yep! And we are Finally gonna do this, the Troll way!"
Poppy said

Branch smiled at them all

"Goodluck to you, and even if we don't win, I don't blame you, I blame the acapella trolls!"
Branch said

Poppy smiled back

"Okay Ladies, Let's take a 1 hour break!"
Poppy announced

The trollipops Shouted

"Let's go visit Satin and Chenille and take a look at the new joints!"
DJ Pointed at The twins' pod

"Sure! Let's go!"
Delta Gestured

They all went to the pod

"Hey Satin, Chenille, how is the costumes going?"
Poppy asked

"It's going great Queen Poppy!"
Satin said

"You Finished it already?"
Barb's eyes widden

"Well duh.."
Chenille rolled her eyes

"I wanna see it!"
Legsly peeked at the girls' closet

"Okay, Okay, come on!"
Satin held Poppy's hand and brought her to their Big Closet

When they got inside, Everyone's eyes sparkled

The closet was filled with glittered clothes with different glitter colored Patterns

"This is perfect!"
Poppy said

"I know right? Your lucky to have the best fashionistas in town!"
Chenille cleaned her nails

"We will really KILL them on stage!"
Barb punched her other hand

"Well, let's not get too intense about it!"
Poppy said

At the top of the pod, Ava was listening to the girls

"Huh? They only care about the costumes eh? Well, let's see it their costumes are still useful once I get my dirty hands on it!"
Ava Chuckled

"So uhhh we will check on them Tomorrow okay?"
Poppy asked

Satin and Chenille both said

The all said as they went outside of the pod

"Whoo! So much work!"
Chenille wiped a sweat

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