Chapter 2

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You have got to be kidding me.

I ram my keys into my "vintage" car and let the engine roar for a hot minute before it dies again. Nothing. People shoot me weird looks as I wrestle with my car so I try my best to pipe down in embarrassment. My dad and Joie must be cruising on their way home by now and here I am fighting with my car.

Does this count as karma? Because if so, karma is a-

"Need a ride?" I hear. My body pauses as Lola Greene walks over to where I'm still attacking my car like Crazy Steve outside the bagel shop.

For some reason, her existence intimidates me despite the kind look on her face. I don't know, teenage girls scare me in general.

"Thanks but I'll just call my parents," I manage to respond. 

The second the words leave my mouth, I realize that my mom thinks that I'm studying at a friend's house.

I can say with confidence that my mother is extremely strict. She thinks that girls shouldn't spend time going to games and parties but should instead on, well, studying.

"Um. Actually, I could use a ride... if that's okay with you."

Lola smiles at me. "No problem."

I tell her my address as we get into her sleek black convertible and she simply nods, her full-lipped smile ever-present on her face while driving just at the speed limit. It's going well until she turns in the opposite direction of my house.

I feel like I should correct her but my social anxiety spikes, holding me back. My brain searches for excuses. She's probably just taking another route or something. All of my hopes are squashed when she parks outside of a house in the middle of an unfamiliar street.

I can hear crazy laughter and booming music from a block away.

"Um...where are we?" I ask as we get out of her car. She pulls her wavy brunette hair out of its high ponytail and flounces it a little.

"The after-party," she answers cheerily in a 'duh' voice. My eyes start to blink rapidly.

"Wait, what? I thought you were going to give me a ride home?" I ask awkwardly.

Lola stops and her lips form a perfect O. 

"I'm sorry. I thought you wanted a ride to the party." She glances over at the house then back at me with a smile. "Well, since you're here, have some fun." With an encouraging look, she walks off and straight into the arms of Jaden Brown.

Oh no.


I thought the game was uncomfortable... That was nothing compared to this. Music that I can't understand pounds at top volume, overpowered only by shrieks of girls' laughter as guys take body shots off of them. Everywhere I look, there's a couple hooking up. The whole house reeks of weed and sweaty gym socks. When I first entered, I grabbed a drink and I've been taking mindless sips out of it ever since. I thought it was juice but the way my vision is starting to blur makes me think it's not.

I'm searching for a trash can to toss the drink when a random football player swoops me into a slobbery kiss.

"Ew! Get off of me!" I spit as guys hoot and holler at him. The alcohol intensifies my anger, which I can usually control well.

My first kiss ruined.

Seeking revenge, I grab a drink to pour on his head when a hand grabs my wrist mid-air, stopping me.

I don't even look at the owner. "Let go of me!" I demand as I wrestle my hand away.

Finding that I still have one mostly-full drink in my hand, I try to toss it again only to be stopped a second time.

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