Chapter 24

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FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER!! This one jumps around quite a bit, but I wanted to give you guys something a little lengthier so I combined a few scenes! I hope you guys enjoy it! <3

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FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER!! This one jumps around quite a bit, but I wanted to give you guys something a little lengthier so I combined a few scenes! I hope you guys enjoy it! <3

Pushing open the door to the copy room with her hip, Mila strode down the hallway of the War Office, her arms wrapped snuggly around the stack of brightly colored file folders she held against her chest.

Turning the corner into the main work room, she glided past her desk, dropping off a few of the folders before continuing. Nearly 5'oclock, the room was abandoned, the other typists having gone home for the afternoon. Striding across the hardwood, she slipped between the empty desks, making her way to General Eichmann's office, knocking lightly on the open door before stepping inside.

"Sir, I have the minutes from today's meetings if you'd like to review- Oh," Looking up from the files in her hands, she stopped mid-sentence, her eyes falling on Josef, who was sitting in one of the armchairs across from General Eichmann.

"Thank you Ms. Vanderwall," General Eichmann smiled, gesturing for her to come in. Shifting her gaze between Josef and General Eichmann, she stepped forward, placing the files in the General's outstretched hand.

"They're color coded as usual," She commented, her cheeks flushing lightly as her eyes met Josef's for a fleeting moment.

"Well sir," Josef spoke, his gaze lingering on Mila for a moment as he stood to his feet. "I believe I should get going."

"Of course. Thank you Captain," General Eichmann said. Nodding, Josef turned and exited through the door, closing it behind him.

"Ms. Vanderwall," General Eichmann spoke as Mila made her way for the door as well. Turning around, she looked at him expectantly. "A word?" He asked, though it hadn't been a question. She nodded slowly, a knot coursing through her stomach. Was she in some sort of trouble? Had she been found out? Don't be ridiculous, she thought. If her cover were blown, being called into her boss's office would be the least of what would happen to her.

"Please, sit down," He gestured to the chair Josef had just been sitting in. Sitting down, she drew in a deep breath. "I wanted to thank you," He said, a pleasant smile turning up the corners of his lips. "For all the hard work you've been putting in here. It hasn't gone unnoticed."

"Oh," She stammered, the knot within her abdomen loosening slightly. "Thank you sir."

"There are other things..." He began slowly, "That haven't gone unnoticed." He paused for a moment, as if trying to decide how to proceed. "I saw you and Lieutenant Hoffmann at the party last Friday ... As well as around the office these last few weeks."

"Sir-," She began, her cheeks flooding with warmth.

"He seems to be taken with you," General Eichmann continued, causing her blush to deepen. "You with him ... Not so much. As a matter-of-fact, he seems to make you quite uncomfortable." He shifted in his seat, resting his elbows on his desk before continuing. "I don't normally concern myself with the private affairs of my staff, but if Lieutenant Hoffmann is being too forward with you, I can speak with-,"

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