67:\\ Protector

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"Aaron. Leave, please." I tried to say as he stood at the doorway. This was Dooley's plan all along. Aaron was the only person on this planet that had taken the majority of the serum and Dooley was ready to hurt him for it. I could tell something was up the second he had told me to call Aaron. Not once, but twice. Wouldn't the kidnapper ensure that nobody knew where their victim was? And it only made sense that I was just the bait. He was after Aaron considering he kept insisting I call him.

I needed to protect him, but I wasn't sure if my calls were being listened to. So I tried calling Aaron after turning the shower and faucet water on at the same time, making loud sounds as I whispered on the phone.

"Violet." Aaron answered and warmth filled my entire body.

"Aaron, please listen I don't have much time. If you find my location, do not come here. It's a trap. He's after you. Please listen to me and stay far away." I had warned him.

"Violet! I don't want you getting hurt! Where the hell are you anyway? Are you okay?"

"Aaron I can't tell you where I am because I don't know where I am. I've been locked in a basement for three days. I'll be out of here soon, don't worry about me. I'll escape on my own. Just do not come here. Okay, he's setting you up. Don't come here." I had warned him, hoping the message would come across clearly enough.

"Violet. Please." He scoffed, "I can protect myself, where are you?" He asked. I missed his voice, his calm, deep voice as he continued to talk. I considered telling him where I was, but immediately thought against it. I didn't want to put him in danger. He was safer where he was and I knew my own father wouldn't kill me. "Violet," he said and I hadn't realized he had still been talking.

"I have to go Aaron." I said, hanging up and walking into the shower.

I quickly showered and wondered if I could leave through the bathroom window. Dooley's house only had one floor, but I didn't want to test my chances if he claimed to have installed a tracking device on me. I had been in and out of consciousness for God knows how long.

"Dad?" I asked, walking around the living room. He wasn't there. I walked downstairs to the basement. He wasn't there either. Good; he'd left. I rushed upstairs to keep my eye on the door as I pulled out my phone and dialed 911, the emergency line.

"911 what's your emergency?" A man picked up the phone immediately.

"I've been kidnapped. My dad knocked me out at his lab and has been trying to experiment on me. He's kept me in his basement; he just left right now please help me. His name is Dr. Robert Dooley. He works at the Institution as a professor and a researcher. Please send help; he isn't here right now but could be here soon and I am so scared."

"What's the address?"

"I don't know where he took me. He knocked me out and the next thing I knew I was in a basement tied to a table while he took blood samples from me. He's crazy!" I said as I saw the door knob move, "please hurry he's here, bring silent sirens or something! Help me out. He said he put a tracker in me that'll put a toxin through my blood if I try to leave. I'm so scared."

"Ma'am, please stay on the line while we try to locate your location." The man said as the door opened and Dr. Dooley walked in. I immediately ended the call, hoping they had enough time to locate me and deleted them from my recently called.

"We're you just on the phone?"

"Yes." I responded. I was far from afraid as he approached me.

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