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HIDING HERSELF AWAY in one of the numerous studies that no one ever ventured near on the above-ground floors, Aurora found herself sobbing tearlessly into her hands, her head tucked into her knees, her tailbone sharp against the marble floor. Her breath came out fast and hard, close to a pant as she fought to ground herself to anything. But there was nothing and no one to catch her.

What was she doing?

"What are you doing in here?"

She froze.

The absolute last person she wanted to see right now.

Regardless of whatever hate he now harbored for her, his presence was like oxygen to her lungs, even while she was drowning.

"Where's your convent of crimson?" He stepped into her unintended sanctuary slowly, dark eyes razing each shadowy corner as if there were any other devil in the room to challenge him, before finally landing on her shaking, hunched over form.

Funny, she had never voiced her nickname for her security detail to anyone else before. How in-sync they still unknowingly found themselves despite the far divide between them. Still, his presence, as cold as it was, was a needed distraction.

"Sorry," he mocked, folding his gloved hands behind his back. He peered down at her, colder than ice. "I believe they call themselves the Solis Order now?"

His idea of a joke was cruelty, twisting the knife deeper.

"Go away." Her voice warbled terribly as she tried to fold herself into a smaller ball. She could hear the leather of his shoes scruff against the stone, faster now, more determined.

Some silly part of her wished he would just pull her into his arms and reassure her that everything would be okay, that he loved her and he would take away her pain. But she could be ever so delusional. And she didn't love a lie, she loved Alec. In spite of his sadism and deeply flawed viewpoints.

He crouched down in front of her. "What is it?" He doesn't relent—that was who he was. "If you're this upset over the little cult, you should not be involved any further."

"It's my mission, Alec."

"It's the Guard's problem," he corrected her, "This is a mess for the trained and experienced to handle, so as to not dirty your saintly hem."

Shaking her head, she dragged her hand over her face, as if forcing her mask back on. She scoffed at him, gathering her skirt up. "Fine, I'll go."

"Running away again? I thought you moved past that, pet."

Aurora narrowed her eyes. "I'm not in the mood to play anymore games, Alec." She stood up swiftly, nearly bumping her head into his chin, all the while glaring up at him. "Frankly, if you're going to be overdramatic because you're bored, go bother someone else. I'm not going to entertain you, you asshole."

He clicked his teeth behind his snide smirk. "There she is."

Her lower lip quivered. "Alec, just stop."

"Stop what?"

"You're being mean, Alec," she exclaimed, exhausted from playing his game, as childish as it was, it befitted their dynamic. He raised his brows at her, maintaining that cool aloofness in spite of her obvious distress. "Just leave me alone." She pushed past him, but his hand caught her forearm, pulling her back to face him.

His voice was low and edged with steel. "Tell me why you were crying first."

She wrenched her arm from his grasp. Through all his warped viciousness, Aurora could see right through it. She'd always had. Even if it was beyond exhausting.

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