21- Gut Feeling

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Caroline's POV

2 years later...

It was November already, and me, Sally, Samantha, and my other friends were gathered with the pack.

Everything was going pretty great, but I had a small gut feeling that something was going to happen.

Something real, bad. Wait, something bad always happens in November.

Worse than Gretchen and Dixon.

Wait, what could be worse than that? I have no idea. But apparently there was a curse on Eve's right hand, Lyra, who was turned into a monster. But we don't know who cursed Lyra. I tried to do a spell to find out who did it, but my magic would hit an imaginary brick wall.

But everything was wonderful. Sally was cuddly with her mate, Samantha was all well, nothing bad in the dragon realm, and me and Fane were perfectly fine.

"Love, I can sense that you are feeling a bit off today," Fane said, hugging me.

"It's nothing, I just feel like something's coming. Something bad," I said.

"Don't worry, it's probably nothing," Fane said, rubbing my back.

I sighed. "Yeah, nothing..."

I glanced around, smiling at the beautiful trees and flowers.

I suddenly saw a movement in the bushes. What was that?

I looked again. Nothing.

Was I hallucinating?

"Thank you everyone for coming! We had a lot of fun today!" Fane said, saying goodbyes to everyone.

I turned back and smiled, waving.

Samantha was the last one to leave. "Tell me if you need anything or if something's wrong! I'll be there as fast as I can!"

"Thanks," I said, hugging her, saying goodbye.

When everything was cleaned up, me and Fane were the only ones that were left, surrounded by nature.

Fane kissed me tenderly, full of love. "You are wonderful," he whispered, capturing my lips once again. "I love you."

I smiled, and opened my mouth to say "I love you too" to him, but I guess I was right. Something bad happened.

Something burned into my flesh and took me away from Fane. I screamed, unable to do anything. I saw Fane being trapped.

I heard Fane roar. "I will burn every single one of you down!!"

Why can't I have a moment in peace? I thought, before I gave in to the darkness.


Yeah, it's kinda short. But don't worry! It's only the beginning! I have a small idea of what will happen in Book 2!!! Thoughts?

Well, thanks for everyone who stayed till the end!

ᥴꪮꪑꪑꫀꪀ𝓽! ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

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