New normal

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Daganronpa was over. It wasn't real. It was a VR simulation. Everyone who participated were sent to the same hospital.  All 16 students, scattered around the hospital. Everyone had gotten impacts from the simulation. The ones who lived the in simulation got trauma. The rest that had died, got drawbacks due to the ways they were killed. Take for example, Kaede Akamatsu the ultimate pianist, her execution contained strangling, which lead to her having to whisper due to being strangled. Everyone slowly but surely were recovering.

(Time skip brought to you by no sleep author)

4 weeks had passed since Daganronpa. "ANGIE! TENKO! YOU GUYS WERE HERE THIS WHOLE TIME? Nyeeehh I wish I had known sooner so I could've gone to visit you guys." Himiko said exitedly after seeing her friends at the hospital lobby. Himiko wasn't the only one to see her friends unexpectedly. Kaito had met up with Shuichi Saihara and Rantaro Amani "Sidekicks! What a surprise to see you guys. Pretty unexpected to see you here guess we got sent to the same hospital right?"  Kaito said exitedly to his friends who were both smiling. Slowly as everyone started to meet up again down at the lobby, they noticed 2 things. 1 they had grown closer since the begining of Daganronpa, and 2 they were only missing 1 person. That person was Kokichi Ouma, he suffered the worst death out of all causing him to have worser impact/impacts.

~Kokichi POV~

WHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. The press slowly made impact with my skin, breaking every bone of my body, flatting my organs made me realize I was dying. The pain was unbearable. I couln't breathe, talk, move, nor scream. "Ily mr detective" I whispered softly as the press applied pressure. And then !BAM! I woke up in my hospital bed sweating, sat up and looked around. Everything seemed normal. I checked the time, 3:24 AM. I fell back into my bed and drifting off to sleep again.

I remember waking up in a hospital bed, figuring out I hadn't actually died. Doctors came rushing in the room asking dozens of questions. The questions I remember are the most important ones, "Mr Ouma can you move your hands?" I move them, no problem ez peasy, "Try to do the same thing with your legs," I tried... nothing happened, I tried again, they wouldn't move. I tried my hardest to move them, panicking at what would be the outcome, I heard what I was fearing most..."Mr Ouma, looks like due to you not being able to move your legs, you'll need to be in a wheelchair." I wanted to ask "Forever?" but instead came out a mambo jambo of words instead of what I wanted "Furebre?" goddamnit, don't tell me I forgot how to speak. Turns out I was right, I had to go to speech therapy for a few days to relearn the basics. I had to get used to the "new" me, not being able walk and speaking weirdly, and later finding out I lost some hearing in one ear. Just great. But that was about to change. I was going to be released today, finally be able to go to school again. But being worried about what would people think when they see me like this. I woke up again from an alarm on my nightstand, I stopped it as I read it was 6:00 AM. Well shoot, time to get ready, I flopped into my wheelchair heading toward the bathroom. As I look in the mirror, I scream, not because of my heterochromia, but instead of purple hair, I had white hair. A doctor came rushing in to see why I was screaming "I don't have purple hair?" I asked very weirdly. He explained that due to the poison, my hair had lost pigment. Oh crap, I still had to go to school. With my stomach flipping, I got ready and the same doctor checked me out. I put my hair in a pony tail, and I'm off.       

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