Rise and Shine ursine!

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Today was the day. The day they were all going to move into the simulation's school, only this time to be an apartment complex. DRRRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNGGG! Shuichi's alarm went off waking him up but not Ouma.  Ouma had lost some hearing in right ear causing him to be partially deaf. Which is why he hadn't woken up yet. Shuichi poked him to try to wake up but instead of a waking up Kokichi he got a "I...want to....slee-" Kokichi. He couldn't finish the sentence due to him falling back asleep. Shuichi grabbed his phone put it to full volume and played the alarm is his ear, and got almost what he wanted "AAAHH WTF, I'M AWAKE, I'M AWAKE." "Mr Detective, you almost gave me a heart attack." Kokichi pouted playfully as Shuichi giggled "He's so adorable, how can you not love him?" "Aww stop it Saihara chan! You're making me blush!" Shuichi couldn't believe himself, he said it out loud, "Woah I said that out loud?" "Yep loud and clear, well not totally clear but enough for me to hear." Shuichi felt almost as if he confessed to Kokichi. "Well, I'm hoping in the shower," "k, I'll get my clothes."

 Shuichi headed to the bathroom, and Kokichi towards where he and Shuichi had left the boxes from the treehouse with his clothes and stuff. Picked an outfit out and headed toward the kitchen. Kokichi was eager to get his hearing aid back so he can be "Out of the water" as he called it. Kokichi grabbed some bread and butter and put the bread in the toaster. While he waited he paced around his own world thinking where he could put everything he was going to bring and- "AAAAHH! Shuichi again? Stop scaring me like that!" Kokichi turned around and there he was, all dressed and ready. "I sure scared you didn't I ?" Kokichi looked at the clock 5:10 AM. The toaster ringed and he got his bread out spread some butter and ate it. "I'm off to shower, cya Mr Detective" he said as he was chewing his bread. Kokichi showered and got dressed and he was ready to go. They were ready to go. They grabbed their stuff and they were out.

They walked for a while until they were at the school's parking lot and put they're stuff down. Shuichi took a look at his phone "5:40 AM ten minutes early". They weren't the only ones there Kirumi, Kaito, Tenko, Angie, Himiko, Miu, Ryoma, and Kaede were there already. "MIU! Is it ready?" Kokichi said while heading towards Miu "Alright, here ya go little virgin fixed and ready to use" Kokichi put his hearing aid back on "Works like a charm. Thanks Miu" Kokichi was so happy he wasn't "under the water" anymore. He felt whole again. "Alright everybody! It's 5:50 AM, we'll be arriving at about 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. Staff is passing out forms with your name and Ultimate Talent when we find everybody is here we'll leave!" a man said that had voiced Monokuma. Everyone Was here by 6:00 AM and just like that, They were off.

~Shuichi POV~

We were on the bus, everyone is having blast including me. The only one who wasn't in the fun was Kokichi, he was sleeping curled up with a blanket on top. "Aww look at him, definately snapping a picture." Himiko said while taking her phone out. We were near a rest stop so I had to wake Kokichi up. "What are you going to do Shuichi?" "I need to wake him up Kiibo, we're almost at the rest stop." "How do you manage to wake him up if he's partially deaf?" "2 Ways, just wait and see" Poking method, same feed back as today morning. "let me...get my...beauty rest...mom" Kokichi groaned as Kiibo giggled as he heard Kokichi say that. "Now step 2" Pull out my phone and pull the alarm and volume up as Kiibo gets Rantaro to see Kokichi wake up. I put the alarm near his face and make it go off "EEP! I'M AWAKE, I'M AWAKE! Huh."Everyone turns around to see Kokichi waking up and giggling "Saihara chan! Why'd you wake me up from my beauty sleep? We're not even there yet." kokichi pouted playfully "I had to. We're at a rest stop."  Everyone was still giggling from the method I woke him up. "Well why didn't ya say so? I could've myself up if you have mentioned it! Now where talking"  We got off the bus and into the rest stop to eat something and stretch.

 "Slow down sidekick. We have a full half hour here" Kokichi zoomed past us in his his chair "I can't Kaito I'm starving!" I shook my head. After all 16 of us ate the pizza we ordered we headed back to the bus to continue. I'm guessing Kokichi really was starving. He usually eats half of a slice but today he ate a whole slice. And of course he fell back asleep. "I can tell Kokichi isn't a morning person like me." "You bet ya Shuichi, he's been sleeping almost the whole way" Kaede agreed while chuckling. We definately have grown closer since the game... 

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