01-The Gala

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"Father why can't I send Cohen, he knows what his doing. I have more important things to do than socialize with a bunch of stuck up, snobby criminals." I said

"Because there's a important person you need to meet, you wanted to associate yourself with him remember." Said my father

"Cohen can handle it, I keep my identify a secret and meeting up with him would expose my identify." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"You will wear a disguise, Cohen will do the talking, you can type to him." Said my father

"Okay, I hope you're happy, now I have to hit the gallery tomorrow night. I was excited." I said as I left the room.

"Dad I'm the boss, the only reason you're getting your way is because I need to see if this man is worth associating with." I said as I walked towards the gym.

"I know dear, I'll tell Cohen to organize a car and get Gina on the phone to get you a suitable disguise." Shouted my father

Ugh I hate theses events, but if it's good for business's then I don't mind. Maybe I'll have some fun who knows. Well the only people who know who I really am are 5 people. My father,brother, Cohen, Gina and Klaus. Cohen and Klaus are my oldest friends we grew up together in a shady neighborhood but it taught us what we needed to know and how to be strong, let's just say the first time I killed someone I was 18, I was already the boss by then. Gina is my fashion designer and girl best friend...she joined the crew about 11 years ago and that's the only reason she knows who I am, she earned my trust.

Most people heard stories about what I have done, what I would do or how I got to where I am and to be honest any story you may have heard is probably true, killing, torturing, drugs, weapons and so on but one thing I despised was sex trafficking, I would kill anyone who dared to do that in my city.

New York is my city...it took time but it's all mine, most of this city I own and if I don't I probably have dirt on the owner or the owner is a friend.

I let all my frustration out on the punching bag, before I knew it I heard Gina calling me. Is it already time.

"Safire!?"Shouted Gina

Geez that girl!

"I'm coming have patience." I said as I rolled my eyes and walked towards my bedroom.

"Okay you have these options but remember tonight is luckily a masquerade ball so just choose a mask that will conceal your identity." She said

"Thank you Gina, by the way will you be joking the crew tomorrow for drinks after the heist?" I asked

"Yes, who else is going to make sure you all don't get drunk off your asses." She said with a laugh

"You know I don't get drunk, it's more like who will drink enough for everyone." I said as I rolled my eyes

"Okay...fair enough. Go shower and I'll pick the best options for you." She instructed and I did so.

Gina was a little older than I was, she was about 29, or so she says. She was amazed when I told her my age but that will stay a secret. Anyway I stepped into the shower after removing my sweaty gym clothes from my body. The warm water ran down my body, relaxing every muscle and relaxing me. I loved showers especially when I needed to relax and escape.

After about 10 minutes I reappeared in the room and Gina was sitting on my bed checking her phone.m

"Finally, okay here are your options."
Option 1

" Option 1

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