Chapter 12: The Human Factor

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Song is Rule the World by Zayde Wolf.
I'm leaving for college tomorrow! Well, technically it's today, but details, right? I'm super exited about it! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Iris's POV
Things have been rather eventful lately. After the Nemesis was crashed by the Autobots, Megatron had the idea to use Dark Energon tor repair it. The ship then gained sentience, and proceeded to attack both the Autobots and Decepticons. One strange thing that happened was that the ship didn't appear to see me until right before the ship suddenly lost its sentience, and returned to normal. I later learned that the Autobot's human friends had boarded the ship and dumped the Dark Energon, returning everything to normal. After that, four groups of Decepticons were sent out to retrieve the four relics, the locations of which were de-coded by the ship. Soundwave was the only one to return with favorable results. Then, one Autobot and human got mad at one of the Insecticons, and ended up killing most of them in revenge for the near death of their comrade. Then, we learned that the Autobots gained a new recruit. After that whole fiasco, the day seemed almost normal, until we found a strange signal.
"Lord Megatron," Knockout announced. "Breakdown's signal has come back online, albeit corrupted."
Megatron grunted.
"Proceed with caution. It may well be an Autobot trick," he commanded.
"I sure hope not," Knockout said, praising Breakdown's skills behind a rotary buffer. Knockout then left with a team of Vehicons, while Soundwave briefly explained to me who exactly Breakdown was. When the bridge opened to admit the returning team, you saw that Knockout was not happy. Another bot you didn't recognize followed behind, but you immediately knew something was very wrong. You hid yourself slightly out of instinct, felling the pang of phantom pains on your body. You felt Soundwave's questioning gaze on you, but you ignored him. You learned that the bot was actually a human, or most of him anyways, inside the body of a former con. He offered Megatron Project Damocles in exchange for a place among the Decepticons. The sound of his voice made your head hurt, and you whimpered quietly. Unfortunately, it wasn't quiet enough. Silas suddenly smirked as he saw you.
"Ah! My old project!! I remember you! We once tired to test the effects of what we now know as Energon on a human. She was the only one to survive. I sold her to one of my clients. How did you get her?" he asked. By now, I was trying to hold back my tears. His voice invoked old memories in me. Memories I had all but forgotten. I suddenly remembered the glint of needles, the glow of a bright blue substance being injected into me, how it felt like I was on fire every time. And then it happened. I remembered exactly how I became blind. I had always thought that I had always been blind, but now I realized differently. One day, I had tried to fight them, resulting in the substance being spilled directly into my eyes. I never saw a thing after that. And Silas. I remembered Silas. I remembered his smiles at my screams. I remembered him telling the scientists to raise my daily dose of the awful glowing substance. By the time I snapped out of it, Silas had pretty much told them what happened, and the Decepticons explained my involvement with them. Of course, he used callous language, and gave my situation no sympathy. Maybe that was because of his cold heart. Maybe I was the one who gave him those scars on his face during one of the times I tried to fight the scientists. Whatever it was, the way he talked about me made me nervous. What if Megatron kicked you out? What if Soundwave kicked you out? You immediately dismissed the second thought. He wouldn't do that, would he? You shook yourself out of your thoughts, listening as Megatron decided to give Silas a chance, but commanded that he mention no more about the experiments done to you. That gave you a little bit of hope.
Meanwhile, they had finally gotten the satellite activated, and were currently trying to vaporize the Autobots with the destructive beam. Once they discovered a hacker in the system, they tried to kill them, only for Silas to be defeated, and for the hacker to cause the satellite to be destroyed. Megatron decided to allow Knockout to do what he pleased with the abomination. I left the room quickly, hoping to avoid questions, but it was not to be. Megatron corned me, asking me the strangest of questions. Once he was satisfied, he let me go, but I saw the mysterious smirk on his faceplates. He was planning something, and I knew it wouldn't be good. 
Alright, here's the next chapter! Unfortunately, I didn't quite make my goal to finish the story before I go off to school, but hopefully I'll be done with it this week before classes start. I hope y'all are enjoying this story!
❤️Soundwave's Wife❤️

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