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Hello There, fellow readers!

It's @LeilainAlverture here!

Andddd @ottilierose

So first, I (LeilainAlverture) would like to thank you for spending your time to read our prologue, it means a lot to us as always. You guys are really the best!

And I (OttilieRose) wanna say that I'm sooooooooooooooo excited for this book!!!!! (BTW the prologue is INTENSE). I am writing Liliana and Leila is writing Oliver for our future chapters (look at the blurb to find out who they are).

We hope you enjoy and please don't kill us because of the cliffhanger :>

(mwahahaha you think you could escape them?? Think again!!)


And let the reading commence!!!


The moon hung in the sky outside the small window, when Kayden should have been asleep in his dormitory. Instead, he stood in the disabled bathroom, his cricket kit still by his side, and bent over the sink. His shoulders were shaking in shock and horror; this wasn't how he'd expected things to turn out. He washed his face once, twice, three times, as if trying to erase the words that were engraved into his brain. How would he tell them? He couldn't just waltz up to the principal and tell her what he'd read. No. This type of thing had to be dealt with carefully, and if someone else found out what happened...

He didn't even want to go there. If he did, he was just sealing his fate.

Looking up at the shoulder-height mirror that ran along the length of the bathroom wall, Kayden tried to ignore the nausea that rushed to his head. But it was no use; it was too haunting, and he doubted the imagination would ever stop generating images, even if he bleached his brain away.

"I should have known it was you."

Kayden spun around, clutching the marble sink in fright, his chest heaving. After what he had learned today, this was too much. Noticing who it was, he released a bit of fear. Just a bit. He tried to calm down, before he spoke.

"You need to know something," he said in a shaky voice, not sounding as confident as he'd hoped. He took a trembling breath.

And he told them.

Surprisingly, they kept a straight face, their expression not faltering for a second as he poured out every last horrific detail. Once he finished, it was so silent that a cent could be heard, clinking to the floor. A few minutes passed and Kayden began to feel concerned.

"Are... are you ok?" He stuttered.

They hesitated, and then said, in the calmest voice imaginable, "I'm perfectly fine."

He should have been relieved that they were alright, but something in their voice made him step back. They stepped forward, closing the distance between them. They advanced on him like a predator to prey, and only when they were nose to nose did they speak. "Everything will be fine."

His scream echoed down the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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