Chapter 48

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Rajveer's POV

Mom told us to go and pack our bags as we have our flight tonight. What!! Today. How can we go today itself leaving all our work? I looked at Naina to see her reaction. Naina just stood there and was staring the floor shyly. We went in our room.

"Naina if you are not comfortable, I can come up with a reason and cancel this plan." I said. I want to go with her.

"No. Mom will feel bad if we didn't go." She said and was looking shyly.

She started packing her clothes. I called Amit and informed him about my absence. I told him to postpone all my meeting. She finished her packing.

"I have to go somewhere. I will be back in some minutes." Naina said and left the room. I started to pack my stuffs. This is such a boring thing to do.

"Hush it is finally done." I said to myself zipping the suitcase.

After about half an hour later, she came with a small shopping bag and kept it in her suitcase. I asked her about it but she said it to be some accessories. She went in the bathroom. What is in it? I wanted to know about it. I was curious and wanted to see it but I didn't. She came out wearing her casual clothes. Even I went and got ready.

Soon it was time for us to leave the house. We sat in the car and I drove towards the airport. I am excited and nervous as I was going to confess my love for her in this trip. I just hope that she also loves me back. I want to have a bright future with her. I want to see her handling me and my kids in the future. Again thinking about kids, first confess your feeling for her you stupid fellow. 

We reached the airport and went through all the custom. Our flight was delayed for 2 hours. We both were just chit chatting about usual stuff, when our sight went on Araav and Sachi and it looked as if they both were arguing on something. What are they both doing here and why are they both arguing?

"Is that Sachi and Araav?" Naina asked in confusion.

"Yes. Let's go and meet them." I said to her and we went towards them. They instantly stopped talking after seeing us. We greeted them.

"Where are you both heading together?" I asked them.

"No jiju we both are not going together. I am going alone for my personal work to Rajasthan." Sachi said.

"Yes and I am going for my business meeting. It just a coincidence that our destination is same." Araav said but it seemed like he was lying. Why would he lie?

"I know where you are going Sachi. But where is Ro? You both go together. So, where is he?" Naina asked her. Araav was clearly fuming in anger. It should be me who should be getting angry on the mention of his name but why is he angry?

"He is busy. Where are you both going?" Sachi asked Naina.

"We both are going on a vacation." I said so that they don't tease us.

"Oh! so you both are finally going on a honeymoon. Enjoy buddy." Araav said and gave me a teasing look. Sachi said something to her and she started blushing.

Naina's POV

"Make me masi soon. I will pamper your kids so much. I will be their cool Sachi masi." She said making me blush hard. I don't even know whether he loves me or not and here this madam is talking about my kids. It was time for their flight so they left.

"What did Sachi said?" Rajveer asked me.

"Nothing serious. Let's go" I said to avoid the topic.

Soon it was time for our flight. We went inside the plane and sat on our seat. He started watching a movie and I was so sleepy that I slept. I woke up after few hours and realized that I slept on his shoulder.

"I am so sorry that I slept on your shoulder." I said him. He came closer to me and our faces were just inches apart.

"Beautiful. Not just my shoulder but the whole me belongs to you." Rajveer said in a seductive tone making me go weak in my legs. Luckily, I was sitting otherwise I would have collapsed on the ground. He kissed me on my ear and licked my ear. He was staring me and I saw a different kind of naughty spark in his eyes. He was coming closer to me. I thought he will kiss me so I closed my eyes. I was waiting for him to kiss me but it never happened.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw him giving me a naughty smile. I was really embarrassed with my own thoughts. What made me think that he would kiss me? Stupid Naina.

I started watching a movie to avoid him. He was still having a smirk on his face. I so wanted to remove that smirk off his face. He is so annoying yaar.

"Just because he didn't kiss you he became annoying. Not fair yaar" said my inner voice.

Shut up... I yelled in my mind.


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