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Jeongin was sitting in class. You know? Bored, slumped in his seat, not paying attention but eyeing his teacher because why would he?

So what did jeongin do? Jeongin was too sleepy to know he was about to get in trouble.

Jeongin pulled out his phone, scrolling threw his contacts looking for someone to call.

Everyone else was starring at the cute boy. He was the center of attention. Literally he was sitting in the center of class and had all the attention.

Jeongin didn't pay no attention though, he pressed his best friend contact first pressing the video call button.

The teacher rushed over to Jeongin about to scold him when all of a sudden a sound like tired voice came out.

"Hell- *yawn* o?"

"Chan Hyung?!?!" Oops jeongin might have called the wrong number. After all he was tired.

"Huh- oh, hi luv. It looks like your in class?" Chan questioned.

Jeongin blushed at the pet name and nodded.

"Then why are you calling?" Before jeongin can answer his teacher snatched his phone.

"Hello? Mr.yang??" The teacher asked. 'did he not hear me say chan hyung? Wow he's deaf....wait this is perfect' jeongin thought hoping chan said yes.


Jeongin sighed putting his head on the desk

"Who are you then?" The teacher questioned seeing the male on the face time.

"His step brother" as soon as jeongin heard that he smiled. Chan had his back and he was happy for that.

"Oh! Then Jeongin wasn't paying attention in class at all and he called you. can you please come up so we can have a talk about his behavior?"

"I'm in Australia" Chan said tiredly just wanting his sleep.

"You can speak English?!?!" The teacher asked shocked at his words.

"I'm Australian"

"Oh...well um then when are you coming back to Korea?"

"Next week why?"

"We talk next week bye" teach hung up from embarrassment.

All the students laughed at the poor teacher then the bell rung...and everyone knew what was gonna happen next

"Baby~ I got you your favorite drink!" A tall hot guy came threw. That man happens to be the teacher boyfriend.

Everyone stood up not wanting to see them kiss.... which went wrong.

"Alexa play don't need your love by nct dream" the male turned on his heels as Alexa did just that.

The students sat back down wanting to see this 'drama'

"Woah woah woah what happened?" The teacher boyfriend asked.

"Woah woah woah didn't you kissed another man last night?"

The students mouth was wide open (close y'all mouth damn shit wide open. Nobody told y'all to bust it wide open)

Jeongin was wide awake now. Jeongin looked over to his squad and they looked at each other.

"Wait what?!?! I didn't do anything?"

"Oh so you gonna stand here and lie when I saw you kissing a man? In the park? At OUR spot?"

"Babe that wasn't me-" the teacher boyfriend was cut off by the teacher.

"Tell it to the judge" and with that he left with his stuff.

I Can't Sleep (Jeongin X Stray Kids)Where stories live. Discover now