xx. group divides

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          THE GROUP HADN'T BEEN AWARE THAT JOHN B WAS GOING TO GRAB SARAH AFTER FINDING OUT WHERE THE GOLD WAS LOCATED. John B had just told everyone to meet back to the Chateau after a few hours so they had all gone home. Not that they'd all actually gone home, Juliet had decided to stay with Kiara for those few hours, she still didn't want to go home and face her mother.

Juliet didn't know how to explain what had been going on between her and her friends. How did she explain that her and the Pogues were on a treasure hunt? That John B was chasing after gold just like his father. How did Juliet explain to her mother that her and JJ were now together? She'd never mentioned anything to her before about having feelings for JJ and Juliet was unaware that Maria saw how smitten JJ was with her daughter. She just didn't know how she was going to explain any of it to her and that's why she decided against going home.

Two hours later, the Pogues were all back at the Chateau waiting for John B to arrive, with Sarah. They were waiting on the back porch when the two had arrived, JJ, Juliet and Pope were all standing on one side and Kiara was standing by herself.

When John B showed up with Sarah, it was the last thing any of them expected but none of them were going to say anything. Except for Kiara. "No effing way." Kiara had been pacing up and down the porch in front of Sarah and John B. "You brought her here? So what, she's in on this now?" Kiara was pissed, that was clear to everyone with her glaring and tone of voice.

John B didn't even know what to say to Kiara, so he looked at the boys for help. Pope shook his head and mumbled something to himself so John B averted his gaze to JJ. "Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share." JJ said, pointing at Sarah. He hadn't been too bothered about Sarah getting involved and helping, as long as he still got his 80 million.

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing. A Pogue thing." Kiara said, glaring even more at John B. And she had a point, John B hadn't even asked if he could get Sarah involved. He just did it anyway, told her about the gold and just assumed everyone would be okay with it.

"I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this." Pope spoke up from his seat on the arm of the chair JJ was sitting on.

Kiara almost smiled. "Thank you."

"When are you not uncomfortable?" John B retorted, not thinking Pope's argument against Sarah being there was valid.

"I dunno, I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably." Pope snapped back at him.

JJ had nodded his head. "It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him." He told John B, who had looked away in annoyance.

WE FOUND LOVE ━━ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now