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This is a  short, long overdue update! I hope you guys enjoy it!


A pair of dark eyes scanned over my face as Aiden attempted to see if my words were sincere or not. The corner of his lip curled into a sly half smirk. His expression showed no signs of hurt, so I doubted my words had any effect on him.

"You wound me." He held up a hand to his heart, feigning I'd hurt his feelings. The tone of his voice was his usual arrogant self that I was accustomed to, but there was a glimpse of a softness in his eyes that made question how he really felt.

I narrowed my eyes. He had to have been playing some sort of game with me.

"You really don't like him, do you?" Kelsey's question pulled me from my glare on Aiden and I turned to face her with a soft smile.

Aiden chuckled. "You don't know the half of it."

"What did you do to make her hate you?" Dylan asked, crossing his arms over his chest. A humorous grin filled his face.

He mocked everything about figure skating to start, I thought to myself.

Aiden just shrugged off the question as he looked down at me with a sly smile. "I joined the rink."

It was a valid answer.

I tried my best to contain my amusement from his answer, but I couldn't help the corners of my lips that twitched upward into a smile. I was quick to advert my eyes as Aiden smirked seeing that I found humor in something he said.

"Was that almost a smile, at something Aiden said?" Brendon teased; his elbow nudged my side lightly. I looked up at him with a glare, my lips quick to fall to a frown.

Shut up, Brendon.

I lifted my gaze back to the three cousins. It felt like I had to explain myself on why I didn't like Aiden. If I didn't, I was worried that Brendon was going to give them the wrong idea. Or worse, that they would think that I was some stuck-up figure skater.

"It's more complicated than him just joining the rink," I began, shooting a glare over at Aiden to which he just grinned. "I have an issue with people that belittle my sport and since the first conversation that I had with Aiden; it was clear he didn't respect figure skating. He flat out told me that he thought it was easy."

Aiden bit his lip, attempting to fight back a smile. He thought that this was funny. Despite everything that had happened between us over the past month of working together, he still found it easy to disrespect me and my sport. Of course.

Luke and Dylan both seemed taken back by my explanation. Their eyebrows raised as the gave Aiden a curious expression. Kelsey on the other hand frowned. She was not on the same wavelength as the boys.

"You." Luke nodded his head at Aiden, his brown eyes narrowed on him cautiously. At this point Aiden was smiling sheepishly. "You, of all hockey players, told her that figure skating was easy?"

I was confused. Aiden was the worst kind of a hockey player when it came to disrespecting figure skating. He had no filter. No issues with being blunt and rude about his lack of enthusiasm for the sport. It made no sense that Dylan and Luke would be surprised that he acted any different.

"Don't let her fool you," Brendon cut in, taking the attention off of Aiden. "It was a mutual thing. Zoe was just as disrespectful about hockey as he was about figure skating. So much so that they almost got themselves kicked out of the rink for fighting. Lucky for them that Mark didn't want to lose his best figure skater or his new hockey player. Mark and Lance came up with a punishment for them where they have to learn the basic of the other sport."

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