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"Where is momma, where... Boo... " I said playing hide and seek with my baby, hiding behind his large teddy bear. He laughed clapping his hands happily.

"My Baby." I said kissing his cheeks holding him in front of me in air. He made babbling sounds.

"Yes, say Mama." I said trying to make him speak some words, he was an intelligent baby for his age but don't know why he was not speaking words yet except for making some babbling sounds. "Ma... Ma... Say baby." I encouraged him and he made some noises.

"Why are you not speaking, My cupcake. Say Momma, please." I cooed.

"Vi, stop forcing the baby to speak." My mom said walking inside my room.

"Mom, the kids of his age must be speaking at least a set of words, but he's not even saying Mama." I said worriedly.

"Oh, you are getting worried for nothing. You didn't speak a word even after your first birthday, I was scared and was on my way to meet speech therapist, when you called me Mama. He will speak, give him time." My mom said playing with Archie's fingers.

"Okay. Are you guys ready to leave for the airport?"

"Yes, we will be leaving in few minutes. Take care of yourself and Archie. If you have any doubts call me immediately. I will miss you all." My mom said kissing me and Archie on our foreheads.

"Okay Mom, don't worry about us. We will be fine, enjoy your vacation." I assured my mom.

Later my Mom and Dad left for airport to enjoy their vacation.

I made my baby sleep on my bed humming a lullaby and he slept as he was tired today. I placed pillows on either sides of him and went to grab my pyjamas in cupboard when I found his T-shirt in between my clothes. The only thing that belonged to him apart from my baby. I held it close inhaling the faint smell of his perfume.

I woke up in Evander's bed after a night of passion. I was still naked under the white satin sheets that covered my body. My body felt sore and surprisingly energetic, I looked around to find Evan and heard water sounds from the bathroom. I stood up from the bed wrapping the bedsheet to cover my body, as I looked in the mirror, and found a lot of love bites covering my body, making me blush. I wore Evan's T-shirt from last night as my one was torn into pieces by Evan last night. His T-shirt almost reached my mid thigh and I wore my jeans from last night under it. I thought of taking a tour in his penthouse till he comes out of the shower.

As I made my way into the living room, I found various photos of Evan hanged on the walls, he looked cute in his childhood photos. In some photos he was smiling at the camera along with a man and woman, whom I assumed as Evan's parents. I was busy looking around the home, when I heard a knock on the door. At first I hesitated to open it but due to continuous knocks, I opened the door.

"Jessica? " I said as I recognised the person in front of me as Jessica Serpens, the queen bee of the college.

"Yes." She said flicking her blonde hair.

"What are you doing here? " I asked looking at her confused.

"I came to meet my fiance." She said smugly.


"Yes, Evander, My Fiance." She said shocking me.

"I think you have some misunderstanding. Evan and I love each other." I said. How can Evan be engaged to someone when he loves me.

"O poor Violet, Evander is betrothed to me. And as for your love, I pity you. How can you be so naive. Evan don't love you, he acted like he was in love with you to prove his friends wrong for a dare." Jessica said faking pity.

"No, Evan can never do that to me. You are lying." I said, assuring myself that Evander can never do that to me.

"Hmm... Seems like I need a proof to make you believe." Jessica said taking out her mobile and playing some video.

"Lucas, We all know that We both made a bet to make Violet fall in love with me, in order to get the captain position." Evan said standing in front of a giant looking person.

My heart broke listening his confession. All the while, Evander had been faking his love while I loved him dearly and gave my virginity to him. How can he do that to me. I held the table for support as the ground under me began to shake.

"Vi, who's that at the door? " Evander asked as he came into the living room wearing only his pants and his hair wet from shower.

"Jessica, what are you doing in my apartment? " He asked looking shocked at her.

"Evy baby, can't I come to meet my fiance." She said stressing the word Fiance breaking my heart. As Evander looked at me shocked.

"Violet, let me explain." He said coming towards me and I stopped him holding a hand in front of him.

"Is it true that you are betrothed to Jessica, Evan?" I asked looking straight into his eyes.

"Yes." He said with a guilty look.

"Did you love me because of a dare, to prove your friends wrong? " I asked hoping he would say no.

"I am sorry, Violet." He said looking at me sadly. Tears flowed down my cheeks as the person I loved broke my heart. I ran out of his penthouse crying and found a taxi. I reached directly to the airport and brought a ticket to my home.

I was heartbroken and went into depression, my parents were worried about me. I would not come out of my room and spent my days staying in a dark room without eating anything. My parents tried to speak with me but I refused to. They thought it would be good if we change the place and shifted to Paris, where my father started his business.

I hated myself for being so gullible and foolish. After one month,  suddenly began to experience nausea and dizziness, at first I thought it was weakness caused due to starving for days but then my family doctor confirmed it as pregnancy. My parents were shocked and disappointed but they gave me choice to decide on the baby.

I couldn't abort my baby, may be for Evander it was a dare but I loved him with my life and gave myself to him. This baby was a reminder of my love for him and I chose to keep the baby, come what may. I will love the baby. And I didn't let Evan know about me or my baby. I don't want him to know about my baby.

My parents supported me through out my pregnancy and when I gave birth to a  beautiful baby boy they were ecstatic. They loved me and my baby the same and I am grateful for that because I seriously don't know what I would have done if my parents didn't support me, the thought itself makes me scared.

Archie woke up from the sleep and began to cry as he didn't find me near him. I kept the T shirt inside the locker and went to calm down my baby rocking him to sleep after changing his diapers. Don't know what would have happened to me, if I didn't have my baby.

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