Yandere werewolf x reader

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The request is from @reesescup1


3rd P.O.V

Werewolves, quite the interesting beings of the world. Werewolves came to be regonized by their outstanding eyes. There wasn't really other way to diffrentiate between a werewolf and a human. Werewolf community had made a deal with humans. So, they could live among humans without issues. Something that often raised questions but never got answers was questions about the full moon and them turning into wolves. Only one answer was given by the pack leader "Stay inside".

As expected, it brought quite a bit fear among people. Some dumb ones however wanted to test what the werewolves meant... Let's just say those people never returned home. Nothing was found about them. It was like they just dissapeared. When the pack leader was asked about it, he shrugged his shoulder and said "I warned everyone". Most were outraged by this answer while some agreed with the werewolves. They were warned not to go outside during full moon. It's the idiots own fault for not listening. People got split into two groups because of it. One side wants the werewolves to be hunted and the other wants there to be peace among everyone.

Y/n P.O.V

As I was walking down the street, I could see and hear fights about the whole werewolf thing. Personally there should be some sort of deal that can help everyone. However, the pack leader is farely stubborn and doesn't listen just anyone which makes it extremely difficult. I can only sigh at the complicated situation. With the amount of fighting among people they'll kill each other first. There has already been hundreds of people gone to the hospital due to injuries and some have died on the way there. Things are getting rowdier and it's getting worse every day.

I keep walking towards forest. When I very first time were going to the forest I was stopped by people. Now however they are used to see me go and return back soon. So, they don't bother to stop me anymore. Many have asked me where I am going but I could never answer them. It was my little secret.

Werewolves had thought about going to the war with humans as the ones against them has attacked them. I didn't know what I was thinking. I had somehow convinced the pack leader not to start a war but... is it worth it?

As I arrive to the werewolves' village, I'm immidiately greeted by a werewolf always walks me to where ever the pack leader is. He has never spoken to me. Not a word! It's a bit odd but I don't mind. Arriving to the pack leader's hut is always quite nerve wracking.

I go inside the hut and say my greeting "Hello, pack le-". He stops me mid sentence. "I've told you to call me by my name", he growls at me. "I'm sorry... Hello, Adolphus." I nervously correct myself. He calms down as I make my way towards him. As I'm at his reach he grabs me and pulls me to his lap. His arms wrap around me as he starts smelling my neck. I had not come here to play this time. "Adolphus, I need to ask you something", he nods as a way to tell me to continue. I took a deep breath, "I have feeling that war will start soon. You and your pack will stay out of it as promised right?" He stays queiet for a moment and then faces me. "Oh dear, I must admit I have not been complitely honest with you. You see some wolves of mine have already started a 'war'", he admitted with a sad sigh.

I immidiately start struggling against his grip but it's impossible. "Y- you said you would let humans be", I said with a fear rising higher. "I did but I know the insanity going on in your community. The stabbings, shootings, threats etc. I fear for your life every day. So, I have decided to end the humans that are against our existence", Adolphus said with an eerie smile. Tears start to spill from my eyes. Adolphus graps the back of my head with one of his hands and lick my tears from my cheeks. I try to get out of his grip but he only holds me on my spot and doesn't break a sweat. He turns to give orders to someone in a language that I don't understand but I'm aware what he might have said. He tries to nuzzle his face in to my neck to calm me down but I just start trashing more. All I can ask myself is....

Was it worth it?

Ok, this was a ride and a half. While writing this story I went through different feelings. Anything from slight sadness to "what the fuck am I writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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