Chapter 5: You really shouldn't worry about it

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There was a small beat of silence throughout the courtroom after Momota's decision to speak into the microphone; shock clear on everyone's faces. Ouma himself was also part of that shock but for a completely different reason than the others. While they were shocked because they believed Momota was the victim of the class trial being held yet was currently speaking to them, Ouma was shocked because Momota for some reason had decided to act on his own despite Ouma telling him *not* to when informing the other boy on how the trial should go.

Funnily enough the first person to act after that brief moment of shock froze them all was Kiibo, the weird, useless robot who was probably some kind of unknowing mole for the mastermind; Ouma was at least 90 percent sure that the mastermind or Monokuma or the people behind this sick game were somehow keeping tabs on them through the walking talking machine.

Kiibo's 'inner voice' was definitely suspicious as well.

"Is that... Kaito's voice?" Kiibo asked as if prompting everyone to unfreeze and start reacting, Ouma himself took the opportunity to try and get the controls of the exisal back while Momota fended him off.

"...Kaito" a hesitant and shocked voice said in disbelief that caused a moment of hesitation in both Ouma and Momota. Ouma didn't even have to check that it was Harukawa; Momota's grip tightening on the controls was proof enough of that. Out of everyone, Harukawa was probably the most shocked when Momota spoke considering the assassin thought that she was the one responsible for the astronaut's death.

The look of horror that Harukawa had when Ouma had stolen the antidote in the hanger almost made Ouma feel sorry for her, but then he remembered that she was an awful murder girl who had shot two people with poison arrows that were probably going to affect their health for the rest of their lives even if they weren't going to die and any thoughts of feeling sorry for Harukawa went out like a light.

"Kaito I swear if you blow this before we've even started just because you don't want Maki to feel bad I'm going to-" Ouma said beginning to make an empty threat since no matter what he said he wasn't really going to do anything, he couldn't really do anything anyway but he felt it was important that someone know he was not happy with a certain course of action. Regardless of how he felt, however, he never got to finish his complaint disguised as a threat due to Momota shoving him into the side of the exisal and cutting Ouma off before speaking into the microphone.

"There was a lot going on, so I just hid in an Exisal and kinda dozed off," Momota spoke into the microphone with a tone that was a mix of joking and reassuring as Ouma struggled to take the microphone away from the other boy despite the fact that Momota was still keeping him pressed to the side of the exisal wall. "Haha, and that's why I'm so late! Anyway, what's going on guys?"

"You can't actually be serious!" Ouma hissed still struggling to get free, "you can't actually believe that will work. There is absolutely no way any of them would believe that!" he certainly hoped that they wouldn't believe that. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Ouma liked to believe that his classmates were smart enough to take care of themselves on some level.

"H-hold on then the one who died wasn't Kaito but Kokichi!?" Shirogane exclaimed in shock causing Ouma to seriously consider banging his head on the wall of the exisal in frustration, he nearly died and left the responsibly of uncovering the school's secrets and ending the killing game to these people.

"...It can't be... Kaito?" Harukawa asked looking hopeful and nearly on the verge of tears which is when Ouma decided that he definitely needed to get the controls back or at least away from Momota or the whole plan would be going out the window with the astronaut's weird incessant need to comfort everyone around him.

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