Nine - The Will

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"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to gently request that you all stay in town until the investigation is complete," Blanc said once everyone had gathered and was settled. 

"Yeah, well, he's gently requesting, but I'm gonna have to make that an order," stepped-in Elliot. 
"No one move till we figure this all out."

The family all gathered in the library, sitting before Alan, or Mr. Stevens, the lawyer.  There looked to be some protests to the detectives' request and/or order stirring, but Blanc gestured to Alan who cleared his throat and began to read the will, silencing all discussion about anyone going anywhere. 

"Thank you. Now, you may or may not know this, but Harlan altered his will a week before he died, and he sealed it. If you have any questions, don't worry, we're all here, we can talk, although I don't imagine it's too complicated.  Now, Harlan's assets included: the house, which he owned outright. Uh - sixty-million dollars-" His assistant kept having to help him read the document.

Linda took Richard's hand and they shared a smile. This made Flora's heart ache painfully. It's all a lie... At least from her father's side. 

"-In various cash accounts and investments. And, of course, the real asset: sole owner of Blood Like Wine, his publishing company. He also wrote a statement when he was making the changes and he wanted that read first." Alan unfolded a piece of paper to read from.  "'Dearest Linda, Walter and Joni.  Some of you may be surprised by the changes I've made, no pleasure was taken in the exclusion. And it's purpose was not to sow greater discord in the family, but quite the opposite.  Please accept it with grace and without bitterness, but do accept it, for it's for the best, Dad.  And to my four grandchildren - Hugh, Florence, Meg, and Jacob - I hope you will understand as well. All my love to you all, Granddad.'" 

Certainly mysterious - certainly very Harlan. 

Alan opened the will, giving it a scan.  "Oh, wow, yeah, not complicated at all. This'll be quick.  'I, Harlan Thrombey, being of sound mind and body, and-' yada, yada, yada... 'I hereby direct that all my assets I leave in their entirety to Marta Cabrera."

Well, no one had certainly been expecting that.

"'My ownership of Blood Like Wine Publishing, I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera, the copy of its catalogue I likewise leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera. Uh..." Alan looked up to meet the shocked faces of the family.  "Sorry, who is Marta Cabrera?"

"Um, no." Walt rose to his feet.  "That can't be right." Pretty soon everyone was surrounding the desk where Alan sat, trying to catch a glimpse of the will itself.  

"That's what it says." Alan shrugged. 

"It's right." Walt now held the will in his hand, staring down at it in disbelief. 

One look at Marta told Flora that she was in as much disbelief and denial as everyone else in the room was.

And that disbelief and denial was quickly brewing into anger - at least for some. For most.  

"Alan, you can take this piece of paper and shove it right up your ass and get out!" yelled Linda. "You cops too, out, out! Right now! We need to fight this thing - we're not going anywhere!  We are the Thrombeys , God damn it, and this is still our house!"

The house... Everyone fell dead silent once more and all turned to face Alan.   The house was the one piece of the will that had not been mentioned. 

"Oh, right, sorry. 'Likewise, the house at 2 Deerborn Drive and all belongings therein I leave to Marta Cabrera,'" Alan finished.  "Not much of a surprise though, really."

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