18. At war with the butterflies

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Chapter 18: At war with the butterflies that you give me. How troublesome.

I decided to get stronger. Not just with my elemental powers, but physically. Which is why I approached Risor for help once again.

"Please teach me how to use a sword."

He stared at me with raised eyebrows, shock clearly evident on his face. He must have been thinking 'What is this looney 15-year-old noble girl talking about now?'

"Another prophecy came true, Risor." I showed him the healing wound on the back of my hand and he hesitantly reached out to hold it, examining it with worry.

"How did this happen?"

"It doesn't matter. I was told it would happen, and it did." At my words, he furrowed his brows. I continued to further persuade him. "This proves that the danger of my 20th year is real. I really might die if I can't defend myself, Risor."

"This is worrying me, Nora... Can you not talk to the marquess about this?"

I snorted. That man? My reaction was enough response for Risor, and he pressed his lips together.

Most noblemen knew how to use a sword, and usually were also knighted. Though I didn't know if he had been knighted, I thought it was probably the same with Risor. And that is why I approached him confidently; I already knew he'd agree. That's just how Risor was. He was always helping.

"This is the hilt; hold it tightly. Position your thumb like this."

He even made makeshift stick swords for me to practice.

"Right leg back, left leg forward. Move ahead like this, and swing." He showed me slowly as an example. "Bring your right leg front now."

Then he did it with full speed and I felt the wind blow past me. I could only stare wide-eyed. His movement was so fluid and sharp.

He smiled at my reaction and held the Dahlia out to me. "Your turn. Keep practicing swinging until your muscles remember it naturally."

I nodded firmly and with a determined but uncertain gaze. I swung once, and then twice. Risor brought the flower to me again. "Your hips should be straight ahead; you should be facing your opponent straight on when you swing."

I took his words and utilized them. This time when I swung, Risor nodded with satisfaction.

However... that satisfaction only lasted for a little while. I was soon cursing myself for thinking Risor was an easy man.

"Nora! Again! Why does your body keep moving that way? No!"

"I've never heard a flower sound so angry!" I said with disbelief. "Hey, aren't you putting a bit too much emotion into this?" I asked the Dahlias and they replied,

"I'm trying to say it the same way his voice sounds to me. Aren't I doing a good job?" The voice of the flower suddenly changed completely to one of pride, giving me a whiplash and Risor nodded, agreeing that they were, in fact, doing a good job of scolding me.

"Now, do it again. Properly, this time." Risor gave me a stern look and I gulped. Is this what it means when they say 'the puppy became a wolf'? What a scary teacher!

Just as I was thinking that I was better off not knowing this side of Risor, and should have probably asked Cassian to get me a tutor, the devil himself made an appearance.

"Nora? What are you doing?" At the sound of that clear voice, both, my heart and I jumped.

He was standing with a confused frown just a few steps away from me. Both, Risor and I hadn't heard him make his way towards us and were surprised. My mouth fell open at this new development. Risor gave a bow to him, and Cassian nodded in acknowledgement, before Risor turned around and left after glancing at me.

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