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l o l a w e a s l e y

"I DEFINITELY SAW IT! He had a boner Lola," Gregory Goyle hadn't stopped smirking since he had sat down beside us in the Great Hall. He was convinced he had seen Draco get a boner in the three broomsticks earlier today, however Vincent Crabbe was sure he had not.

I was more inclined to believe Vincent, Gregory had long been one to exaggerate. Emma revelled in the news at what had happened and kept breaking into fits of giggles at what I had said.

"He isn't that much of a loser, it takes more than someone talking to him for him to get an erection," Vincent said, loyally defending his friend.

"You seem to know a lot about when Draco gets erections Vince, sure there isn't something you want to tell us," Emma chimed in, raising her perfectly trimmed eyebrow, earning a flustered look from the boy across the table. Honestly, I'm not sure any of us would be surprised if Vincent was gay for Malfoy, it seemed most Slytherin boys were.

"And it wasn't just 'someone'," Greg continued to make his case, "It was Lola freaking Weasley!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Boys are such idiots. I'm sure if any girl started talking about sucking Draco off to his face, he would have gotten at least a bit turned on.

Draco and Blaise had sat towards the end of the Slytherin table, opting to avoid another run in with me I assume. He had not even looked at me once throughout the meal, and I was seriously contemplating flashing a boob just so he would look in my damn direction for more than a second.

However, three of my brothers would also have gotten an eyeful, and I'm just not sure whether I'd ever be able to go home again if that was to happen.

"For someone that claims to be getting blow jobs all the time, Malfoy seems to be slightly overreacting," I wondered out loud, spooning more chocolate cake into my mouth. 'Master Malfoy' as he liked to call himself was behaving like a child who had just been caught wanking for the first time by his mother.

This made Gregory smirk even more. Vincent noticed this, and punched him in the arm, causing a loud yelp to come out from a red-faced Gregory.

"What is it Greg?" I lowered my voice, demanding an answer from the boy still clutching his arm. What was he smirking about? Please let his blow job stories be lies. He didn't have to say anything though, Gregory turned to me and nodded subtly, seemingly he knew exactly what I was thinking.

Good boy. I could always count on him to share Malfoy's secrets.

Why would he lie about getting a blow job? No one was going to care if he had not had one, and besides it was obvious most people in school would love to give him one.

Draco was always accusing me of performing oral sex on people for grades, I have sucked off half of Ravenclaw according to him. Maybe he had lied so it didn't seem like I was far more sexually experienced than him. Or maybe he was just a pathetic sod.

I directed my gaze down the table, back towards a sulking Malfoy. He was pouting, which was annoyingly adorable, and it made me want to bite his stuck out lower lip. It was embarrassing how even sulky Draco turned me on.

Did I really give him a boner? Admittedly the idea of giving Malfoy a boner gave me butterflies, which was gross. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor horny butterflies trapped in my tummy.

I had seen him get a boner before, in the Slytherin common room when Emma called him daddy. I still vividly remembered his eyes darting to mine when she said that, and the horny butterflies from that event still hadn't properly departed my body.

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