Chapter 12 - Here for you

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Reaching your house you immediately open the door and slam it shut behind you. Sliding down against the wood you reach the floor, curling your knees up to your chest. Taking a hand up to your face you rub your eye, feeling water coat your knuckles. Looking down at your hand you see smudged mascara mixed with tears...

Scanning the dark hall you stand up and stumble to the bathroom, looking at the mirror, the only light streaming from windows. Your makeup was smudged, your hair frizzed up. You looked dreadful...

~TW: physical and verbal abuse, hurtful language~

"Ugly bitch!" A stinging feeling fills your right cheek. "You work for me and you do as I say, got it?!" He grabs your face and lifts you from the ground.


"You don't get to call me Orin anymore, it's sir from now on," he barks back, cutting you off. "Now fix your makeup and hair, or do you want to make me angry again?"

"N-no, sir, I'll get right to it," as you walk away he took it upon himself to trip you over.

"Get up you dizzy cow!" He cackles in delight at the pain he caused you. Pushing you a little as you stumble out the door.

~TW: still ongoing~

"Can you believe her? What a delusional bitch!" You listen intently to your 'boyfriend' and his friend chatting over heavy drinks.

"You were right, she is a good cash cow," they both let out sinister laughs as your eyes fill with tears.

"Other day she asked if I still loved her..."

"What did you say?"

"The truth obviously!" He takes a long sip of his drink before grinning. "I told her that no one could ever love such a pathetic, talentless, whore. Oh, the look on her face!" They high five as you quietly shut the bedroom door.

~Flashback over (Tw still in for a bit)~

Leaning over the sink you stared with teary eyes at your reflection. Your face distorted slightly as the glow died down from your eyes. You fell in and out of thought:

No one could ever love you

You ugly





Swiping your hand across the counter, items dropped to the tiled floors; glass shattered, makeup broke, soaps scattered and bottles opened to ooze out their contents. Backing away slightly from the mess you look back at the hall. Grabbing nothing but your coat you exited your house and ran as fast as you could.


The pattering of rain filled your ears, wind only adding to the noise. Your heels damaged at the speed you were running almost snapping as they collided against the pavement. Water drenched every inch of you, clouding your sight as it pattered against your face.

People were arguing, boozing, fighting but none of this mattered. Right now you only had one place to get to.

The blinding lights from neon signs advertising strip clubs, brothels, weapons and fast food seemed to brighten the way. In the distance was your destination; the large building decorated with a large female demon and arrows pointing to the sign.

Porn Studio

You knew they'd be up and about, talking and socialising. Pushing open the door you see people dancing and conversing in private things. Repeatedly pressing the vip elevator button you see the door open and soon your were ascending towards the top lounge.

When the elevator opened all was left was to walk down the hall, but in your case you ran. Busting open the door you laid eyes on something you'd never see in a million years, or rather would want to.

Val and Vox were having a full make out session.

They snap their head to you in shock, but soon confusion when they saw you disheveled.

"Y/n?" Vox got out from under Val and rushed over. "What's wrong? What happened?" He clasped your cheeks and wiped away the tears. "Babe, call Velvet,"

"Velv!" Val went into another room to fetch the doll demon.

"Why are you crying?" You sniffle and look up at his Tv screen but before you could answer Velvet kicked him to the side and engulfed you in a hug.

"N/n!" Laughing through a sob she looked at you seriously. "What happened?"

"I was going to get an answer before you broke my FUCKING SCREEN!" Vox screeches only for Val to shut him up by passing him tape. "Thanks..." he says sarcastically.

"I- I kissed him," choking back tears Velvet quirked a brow as did the other two.

"Kissed? Who did-?" Then realisation hit the female overlord first. "Oh..."

"Who did she kiss?" Vox asked clearly oblivious which only got Val to clear it up quietly. "Well, why is that so bad?- Did he hurt you?!" Electricity emitted from the tv overlords fingers.

"N-no! He didn't do anything I just-" stumbling over your words Velvet understood and calmed you down.

"Sweetie," she stroked your back lovingly as you cried into her shoulder. "If I know the Radio Demon well enough I'd say that he isn't one to play with feelings,"

"Oh..." Vox realised on his own this time as Val slapped his forehead.

"But you don't know him well enough, Velv," the doll demon listened as you wiped your tears away. "I don't want to go through that again, n-not again,"

"You won't, Y/n, we won't let it,"

"You are strong, and he wouldn't dare to do such a thing," Vox walked to your side and kneeled down to hug you from behind. "That's if he does have half a brain under all that hair," the Tv demons joke got a laugh out of you.

"We are here for you," Val wraps his arm around you all.

"Thank you," you mumble quietly against everyone's clothes.


Heavy chapter Jesus Christ—— I'm so sorry for anyone that this chapter may have made uncomfortable

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Heavy chapter Jesus Christ—— I'm so sorry for anyone that this chapter may have made uncomfortable


- Anna ❤️

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