Chapter 1

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As I stood near the kitchen while watching my best friend Quinn interacting with some strangers in this party. I couldn't help but felt bored in this situation.

"Why did I even agree to come here in the first place?" I thought to myself. "I wanted to spend my Friday night in my room in the comfort of my books and pillows."

Quinn laughed at whatever the strangers said while I patiently waited for them to end the conversation.

Her natural wavy hair was in a high pony tail. Her brown eyes glint in both mischief and happiness as she listened closely to those two beautiful stranger.

Feeling bored, I decided to step out momentarily to get some fresh air and also away from the loud music. I distaste this playlist of music for some odd reasons.

The house was filled with teenagers from my school and neighbouring schools. Whoever threw this party will have a nightmare cleaning this place as I saw red cups all over the place along with alcohol spills and crumbs from the snacks. I doubt they will be cleaning it. Most likely they will pay someone to clean the mess.

As soon as I stepped out of the house and in the front porch. I saw a girl running towards me with panic in her eyes and her body seemed tensed.

"Help." She said pulling my arms and dragging me somewhere.

I was confused for a moment as I let her drag me to one of the expensive car's that was parked. Usually, I wouldn't have approach a stranger's car or let alone allow a stranger to drag me somewhere. At that moment, I decided to trust my instinct.

I have seen that car before but I couldn't recall whose car it was.

"I- I think he's having an anaphylactic reaction. I accidentally fed him cookies that may contain sesame." The girl said and my eyes landed at the open door of the driver's car.

My eyes widened as I saw Levi Parker, sitting on the driver's side. His skin was pale with hives all over. He seemed to have trouble with breathing as he was wheezing.

"Call 9-1-1." I instructed the girl and she nodded her head in panic. I looked at Levi worriedly.

"I'm First Aid and CPR trained. Can I help you?" I asked making sure to ask his consent before touching him. He nodded his head quickly.

"Where's your epipen?" I asked. I know he have epipen as his anaphylactic plan is posted in our classroom.

He pointed at the back of the car as I quickly opened the back seat and found a fanny pack.

The girl returned soon and was still in line with 911 caller.

"The woman is asking if he have an epipen on him." The girl said in panic.

"He do." I said taking it out of his fanny pack. Although I have took classes in the summer for the First Aid and CPR, I was still worried about helping someone in this situation. I was worried I would do something wrong and...

"She said if you could help him with the epipen." The girl said quickly.

I looked at her and Levi quickly and took a deep breath as I removed the auto injector from the carrier tube.

I helped Levi grip the auto-injector with the orange tip points downward and made sure none of our fingers were covering both the ends.

With my other hand I remove the blue safety release and making sure it was not bend or twisted. I helped Levi positioned the epipen on the middle part of his upper thigh.

We firmly injected the orange tip of the auto-injector and pushed it until it made a clicking noise letting us know that the epipen was underway. Making sure that the epipen was placed for three seconds. We removed the epipen from his thigh and I quickly put the auto injector back to its case.

Levi looked flushed at the moment and I panic a little, but when I heard the paramedic's siren. I couldn't help but felt a reassurance and sigh in relief.

"You'll be okay." I try reassuring him. "You did well."

Levi's blue eyes momentarily looked at my face and my heart momentarily stopped. He's beautiful.

Although with hives and swollen lip, he was still beautiful.

I explain to the paramedics about the dosage he received from the epipen.

"Are you his girlfriend?" One of them asked.

"No." I said.

"Can you contact his family or guardian?" He asked.

"I'm sorry. I can't help you with that." I apologized.

As I watched Levi getting strapped to the stretcher.

"Can I come along?" I asked.

"We would have prefer the guardian or his family member." The man pursed his lip.

"I will follow you guys to the hospital and maybe ask someone for his family contact. We go to the same school."

"I guess so you can do that." He said.

"You'll be okay." I shouted from across to Levi who was preparing to enter the ambulance. Levi looked at me curiously but said nothing as I confirm with them about which hospital they were taking him.

I ran towards my car and followed behind the ambulance.

I called Quinn but she didn't pick up my call. As I waited patiently outside the ER for Levi. I scrolled through my phone list and found, Smith's name.

I pondered if it was a good idea calling him for help. Smith and I are acquaintances. I believe we are acquaintance, but he believe we are friends.

I didn't expect him to pick up my call, but he did anyway.

"Hazel?" He sounded surprise as soon as he picked up my call. I'm surprise to be calling him too.

"Hey Smith, I was wondering if you could help me in a situation." I said nervously on the phone.

Author's Note: Welcome to my new story. I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I'm enjoying writing it for you. Please don't forget to Vote, Comment or share this story with your friends or other readers. Please add this book to your library or reading lists and turn on your notifications for when the book is updated. Thank you for reading my books ❤️

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