Chapter 3

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As soon as I turned around I saw a figure who was wearing a light blue shirt. I slowly looked up at the figure and found Levi staring at me.

His blue eyes was curious while his face was impassive. I've never spoken to him before. He started school during his sophomore year and blend in quickly with the popular kids making him unapproachable.

"Uh... no?" I lied under my breath. Why am I even lying?

His impassive face turned into a frown. "My bad." He said quickly as he stepped back a little and turned around quickly and walked towards Hayden who was watching up closely.

Levi's sudden interaction with me seemed to have caught the attention of people as they started whispering to each other the possibilities of why he had approach me.

Although it was a small interaction. It seem to be a big thing for them as Levi never approaches anyone for small talks.

"Hey." I heard Quinn's voice. Judging by how oblivious to what just happened I believe she missed the interaction.

"Is everything okay? You're late today."

"I couldn't find my keys." She laughed.

"Oh." I said.

"Anyway, how was your weekend?" She asked.

By lunch time, everyone seemed to know me. The once invisible girl seemed to be recognized by all, thanks to the golden boy.

"Is it true that Levi... The Levi Parker approached you this morning?" Quinn asked excitedly as soon as she saw me during lunch.

"Why are you emphasizing on his name so much?" I asked as I sat down at our usual table which was away from the crowd.

"Levi never approaches anyone outside his circle." She said.

"He was looking for someone." I shrugged.

"Who?" She asked.

"Me?" I said shrugging it off.

"Why?" She asked.

"Cause I helped him on Friday." I said.

"What happened on Friday?" She asked.

Quinn can be very persuasive when it comes to getting answers to her questions.

I shared my point of view about the incident and her mouth dropped open.

"You saved his life?"

"Not really." I said. "She did." I looked at the cheerleader who was sitting beside Levi on the lunch table.


"She called for help."

Quinn rolled her eyes at me.

"But he had trouble recognizing you?" She confirmed.

"Yes. I think he was confused at that time due to his anaphylactic reaction."

"You should let him know." She said. "You technically saved his b**ty, girl."

I laughed at her term. "And make him feel like he owes me? No, thank you." I said.

"No. It gives him an eye opener that there are other people outside his circle."

"It won't change anything." I said to her. "He will say a thank you and then we'll go back to our lives."

She paused momentarily to think about what I just said.

"I still think you should let him know the truth instead of him believing in lies." She looked at the cheerleader with concern in her eyes.

I didn't say anything as I tried opening the bottle of water in front of me.

"Allow me to." Smith appeared in front of us as he opened the bottle for me.

"Thanks." I said to him as I watch him sit across from me.

"I heard Levi is looking for someone called Hazel. Isn't it you?" He didn't beat around the bush as he watched closely for my reaction.

"I believe it's some other Hazel." I said calmly.

Smith looked at me for a while and shrugged. "I thought I'll have a competitor."

"Excuse me?" Quinn asked.

"You're excuse." Smith brushed her off with his hand and looked at me. "How was your weekend?"

I don't know whether I should laugh in disbelief or be offended by his little behaviour but looking at Quinn's reaction. I believe she's not happy with him. Quinn is very difficult to please. She either loves you or hate you but there's no in between.

"Don't you have to be somewhere else at the moment?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"I have all the free times in the world when it comes to you."

I wanted to cringe at his pick up line but Quinn beat me to it.

"That made me cringe." Quinn tells him honestly. "You may have all the time in the world but we're busy."

"Busy with what?" Smith asked.

"Busy with lunch." Quinn rolled her eyes at him.

And before Smith could retort back. We noticed the figure standing behind him.

"Smith." Levi regarded him coolly.

Smith smirk at me before turning back to look at Levi.

"If it isn't Levi." Smith said casually. "How may I help you today?"

"Can I speak with you for a moment?"

"You can say whatever you want in front of my friends." He emphasized on the word, friend. "I trust them and especially her." He pointed at me.

Levi cleared his throat and awkwardly started. "Thanks for Friday."

"Don't give me credit." Smith said. "I didn't do much except give your house's number to the Good Samaritan."

"Who was that?" Levi asked looking at me quickly.

"I'm afraid I can't share that information with you. The Good Samaritan would like to keep her identity hidden." Smith said coolly.

"All I know is..her name is Hazel? I can't seem to recall her face and plus there seemed to be way too many Hazels in this school." Levi looked at me again. "Are you sure you're not Hazel? I swear I've seen you somewhere."

"Of course you would have seen her. She studies in this school." Quinn said.

"What's your name again?" He asked.

"She's not the Hazel you're looking for." Smith said. "I don't think you should waste your time asking about her."

Levi hesitated for a moment and shrugged. "That's right. Anyway, have a good day." He said as he turned and walked back casually to his table.

"Trust me, he will do everything in his power to find you." Smith said with a smirk on his face. "It seems like I've a competitor." He looked at Levi who was looking at us with inquisitive look on his face.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book. Please don't forget to Vote and add this book to your reading list :) Next update will be on Wednesday.

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