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Farhan was handsome, there's no denying it. But when he is asleep, he's just way too adorable that you could just stare at him, forever and ever. Natasha still couldn't believe her luck, sleeping just inches away from him, as his wife, on their bed was nothing but a dream come true. It was all looking like a dream to her, a beautiful dream and if given a chance she'd never wake up from that dream. She couldn't stop herself from smiling like an idiot as she stared at his sleeping face, at three in the night. If he suddenly woke up from his sleep, he'd surely freak out. But at this moment, she didn't really care. 

All of this felt so surreal though. He was her freaking husband now. He was hers! Damn, it still felt so unbelievable. To be able to stay this close to him, on his own bed as his wife. And these overwhelming thoughts weren't even letting her sleep. Her hands ached to caress his face, she'd never do it, if he was awake. But there is no harm in trying it now, as he was sound asleep. So, Natasha did what she never thought would be possible. Whilst lifting her hands slowly, she traced on his cheeks. And gosh! They were so soft. She wanted to pinch them like he would pinch hers, but refrained herself, not wanting to wake him up. Her hands automatically go to touch his hair. They were softer than hers. That ridiculous smile on her face made its appearance as she ran her hand through his hair. 

"I love you so much, Farhan! Why would you never see that?" a sad smile appears on her face as she made herself comfortable in between his arms. He was a heavy sleeper and wouldn't realize even if a thunderstorm hits on his bed, which she took to her advantage and hugged him tightly. He smelled so good. Let tomorrow be doomed, she didn't care about what he'd think of her the next day. All she could think was now, of how she perfectly fit in his arms as she rested her head near his heart whilst closing her eyes. Just like that, Natasha had the best sleep of her life. The smile on her face hadn't disappeared throughout the night. 

The next morning when Farhan woke up, he was in for a surprise. His pillow felt softer than usual and it was a lot more comfortable too. If he didn't have to go and attend that damn meeting in his firm, then he'd just stay on the bed the whole day. But technically it wasn't possible, so he woke up with a groan and was shocked. His eyes widened at the sight in front of him. 

Did he sleep on Natasha's bosom the whole time? How on the earth did he end up here? He had no idea, but before she'd wake up and think of him as some pervert, Farhan sprinted out of the bed and locked himself in the bathroom. 

All the while Natasha was peacefully sleeping, having no clue of what havoc she has created in Farhan's mind. 


"Your breakfast!" Natasha placed his bread roast on the dining table while she sat on her chair and started eating her own breakfast. Farhan just hummed in response not being able to meet her eyes. The image of his head resting on her bosom refused to leave his mind. 

"Farhan, I want your sign here." Natasha gave him some paper along with a pen, he signed them in a daze without having a look at what it was. Which left her in shock for he didn't ask what it was, nor did he look her in the eyes. This definitely bothered her. 

"Hey! Won't you read what it is?" she asked, whilst taking the paper from his hands. 

"What?" he dumbly asked her, which made her want to roll eyes. 

"You signed it without reading anything... What if I transferred all your money on my name, hmm?" she joked and only then the realization hits him as he took that paper back from her and read it carefully. 

And his eyes widened again," really? You could have taken all my money instead of this." Natasha took that paper back from him with a smug smile. Now, this is the reaction she was looking for. 

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