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Warning: There is an abuse scene in this chapter (it's in italics)

*Your P.O.V.*

"Are they alright?" He asked when you stopped a few feet away and looked up at him.

Your look became that of a deer in headlights before you threw your head back towards the floor. Did you like the clothes? They were certainly warmer. And comfy. And soft. Oh, they were so soft. Nothing like the grainy weak fabric of the clothes you originally had. You ever wanted to take them off. But you didn't know what would happen if you answered. Would he take them away? Would he buy you more? What if you said no?

"Darling?" Lucifer called to catch your attention.

You looked at him, fear almost plain on your face.

"It's alright if you don't. We can always go out and get you different ones"

"N-no" you forced out.

You didn't want him to spend any more money on you. You were a burden enough as it was.

"Alright. So they fit well I assume?" he asked.

"Y-yes. Thank y-you" You stuttered.

Maybe if you thanked him he wouldn't hurt you.

"Brilliant. Why don't you come eat you must be starved" he smiled and gestured to the seat next to him.

Your sigh was inaudible as you sat across from him. That's a few moments down, you still have all of dinner to go. He pushed a plate towards you and handed you a fork which you gently took from his hands. He began to eat, sparing you a few glances every now and again. You rolled the food a bit before actually trying a bite. When he didn't get mad at you you began to pick at your food. You liked the noodle stuff but the sauce on top wasn't very good. Still, you ate as much as you could.

"May I ask a question?" He asked as he stopped eating and turned to you.

You stopped eating immediately and nodded at him.

"Your scars. Can you tell me how you really got them??" he asked.

You panicked. He thought you lied. He wanted the truth. And if you didn't give it to him was he going to hit you?? Maybe he would throw you out. Maybe he would lock you in a closet like Derren did.

~Flashback~ (you're 5 or 6 here)

You had just finished cleaning the counters in the kitchen and was thinking about what would happen if you got something out of the fridge to eat. Your tummy was hurting really bad. You hadn't eaten for a few days and all you wanted was for your tummy to stop hurting you. It would have to be something small. Maybe an apple if they were still in there. After all mommy didn't like apples so surely she wouldn't mind, right? You eased open the fridge and looked around for an apple. Your eyes caught sight of something much more appealing though. A couple mini chocolate bars sitting on the middle shelf. They were so small. Surely if you took one no one would notice right? You reached up and grabbed one out of the pile before closing the fridge.

You had only had chocolate once. When a man insisted he pay to get you some chocolate cake at a restaurant with mommy. I was so good. You could barely eat half the slice with your mother glaring at you. But that was only because she wanted some for later. (she wanted you to look less needy)

You slowly opened the rapper and took a tiny nibble of the corner. It was sweet and melted in your mouth. Before you went to take another bite you heard footsteps and remembered that you weren't supposed to have it. You hid the bar behind your back. If he couldn't see it then you didn't have it right?

The large man stomped into the kitchen with a grumble. He opened the fridge and your fear spiked. He rummaged around before pulling out a can. When he closed the fridge he glanced at you and turned to walk away but stopped midstep.

"What's behind your back, brat?" He asked as he turned to you.

"Nothing" You squeeked and pulled your hands behind your back more.

"Stop lying. What's behind you back? Show me." he ordered.

In that moment you debated running to save yourself and possibly the only food you'd get after this. But you didn't. You froze and he glared at you.

"Show me. Now." He seethed.

You put your hand out in front of you and looked down at the tile guiltily. He lunged at you and grabbed your arms in a vice like grip. He picked you up and began to drag you out of the kitchen leaving the chocolate on the floor where you dropped it.

"Stupid little B****. Thought you could lie to me. Don't you know it's wrong to steal? Only bad little girls steal. And you've been a terrible little girl" he seethed as he dragged you by your arm (in the air).


Your arm hurt and you were trying so hard to hold his hand. You tried to grab his hand so he would let go but he only gripped tighter.


"Shut up, brat" He said as he pulled you to his face and shook you.

"This is what you get for being a little thief" He opened the door to the jacket closet.


"I'm not your daddy" He growled before throwing you into the closet.

You landed on the floor and he slammed the door on your face.

"NO PLEASE!!! I'LL BE GOOD!! PLEASE!! I CAN BE A GOOD GIRL PLEASE!!" You begged as you stood to bang at the door and try the handle.

"SHUT UP. YOU DESERVE THIS. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LIED" he said as he banged on the door.

You fell on your butt as the bang scared you.

You moved to the corner of the closet and cried as you began to feel the pain in your stomach intensify.

When your mother let you out she beat you and yelled at you for not finishing your chores. You spent the rest of the night finishing them.

~END of flashback~

Your breathing picked up and you were trembling as you tried to push the memory away. You heard Lucifer sigh an okay as he got up and left. You cleaned up dinner before rushing back into your room.

You weren't hungry anymore.

A/n  Hello guys!! What did you think of this chapter?? I enjoyed writing it so it's a little longer. I also encourage you to go put in your opinions about the clothes you want to get when you go shopping with Chloe/Linda/Maze on the part labeled 'votes and ideas'.

I hope you guys are having a wonderful day/evening/night and I'll see you next week. :)

 Just a warningthe next few chapters I'm hoping to include a few more flashbacks so you guys can get a better glimpse into what your life was like before. 


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