twenty six

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December 30, 2018

Time had passed by fast. Christmas had passed already and Selene had went back to America to celebrate with her family. She had fun but she had to leave two days after Christmas. Her and Sarah, Mitch, and Harry had all exchanged gifts.

Selene hadn't seen Harry since mid December because of the pure fact that he was literally going everywhere. As far as she known— he went to La, came back and hung out with family in London, and then went to Japan on a short notice. Things had definitely been different around each other. Selene didn't know what to call it. It was mostly because she didn't know what was going on between them. When Harry was in London and they hung out, the two would side glance at each other when the other wasn't looking. Mitch caught them doing it during a studio session. He found it funny to watch the two do it. He didn't say anything about it though. He just wanted to sit back and watch everything happen.

Sure Selene found him attractive. Really attractive. Like holy shit. He was a literal greek god. The way his dimples showed when he either smiled, laughed, smirked or pouted. She wouldn't admit that to his face. He wouldn't admit that he found her attractive either.

He hadn't noticed it when him and Camille were dating because he wasn't the type to keep his eye on someone else while in a relationship. Now that he had been out of a relationship for nine months, he had realized how beautiful she was. He hated the fact that these new grown feelings came. Mostly because he didn't know how she felt about him.

It was currently seven o' clock in the morning for Selene and she was surprisingly up already. She had music playing through the speakers while she fixed herself breakfast. Her hips swayed slightly as her head bopped. Her phone rung, the music turning off due to it being connected to her speakers. She groaned and looked at the caller ID.

"harr-ibo bear"

Selene answered and placed the phone to her face.

"Your actually up this early? Wow," he said, making her roll her eyes. "Hey to you too..."

"I have a plane ticket for you," Harry blurted out, making her furrow her eyebrows.


"I might have bought you a ticket to come to Japan and your flight might leave at 11 in the morning," he said once more.



"That's four fucking hours from now! I have to pack  and then go to the airport and get through security. My hair is still wet and I didn't even detangle it yet-" she ranted.

"So that means that I'll see you when you get here?"

"I hate you."

"I'm taking that as a yes."

Selene was officially stressed. She sweared that she was gonna strangle the singer once she saw him. She ended up having to drop off Caden off to Mitch and Sarah's house— which she felt bad for but the couple didn't mind. By time she had gotten to the airport it was 10:30 am which wasn't bad. The only thing that bothered her was that her hair was still damp. She hated her hair being wet. It was usually slimy from all of the product she had to put into it. She pushed a few hairs behind her ear as she waited for her plane to be called.

harr-ibo bear
Are you at the terminal?

yeah, kinda hate you though

harr-ibo bear
Sorry for stressing you out. See you in twelve hours Le, H.

Selene turned off her phone and stood up as she heard her airplane being called. Twelve hours. Twelve hours of doing literally nothing. She watched a movie for the first two, slept for six, read for two, and then listened to music for the last two.

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