Chapter 6

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I could hear the footsteps of the woman make an uneven pattern of sounds as her silhouette stumbled.

My first thought was, "ah! My prayers have been answered!"
And my second thought (more obvious than the first) was, "wait what just happened?"

A small gasp of disbelief left the woman as she regained her balance. I could still barely see through the gap in the cabinet, however it wasn't difficult for me to get a good look of the figure.

I was able to spot the dirty dress she wore and her pale skin. She looked like a vampire or witch, or whatever popped up in horror movies and creepypastas.

"How dare you..." She whispered with her voice shaky and still hagged.

"How dare you throw a glass at your own mother, you STUPID girl!" She screamed, with the second last word having a lot of venom in it.


I heard light footsteps rush down the stairs and then I could hear the woman's loud robust footsteps follow suite.

As the little one's footsteps grew more faint, so did the larger one's until I heard a crash and then a howl on the first floor.

"This is it! This is my chance!", I thought.
"But is it a safe chance?" popped another thought in my head.

I remember feeling stuck. As if this life-or-death dilemma had strapped me in place.
My body screamed "make a run for it!"
My mind, however, said otherwise.

Where could I run to? Down stairs? No, I'll be caught.
Then what? Through the hallway and out of the open window I saw earlier?
No, I don't know whether I'll be able to make the jump
Then? Shall I wait here!? No!
No! No! No!

My mind had an entire debate of its own, and the fact that I knew how much precious time was being wasted didn't seem to help my brain draw up a conclusion.

"HAROLD!" Screamed the woman from downstairs.
Her yell was met with a loud zombie-like groan from one of the other rooms.

To me, this was all getting out of hand. This was all becoming crazy. I abandoned all logical reasoning and burst out of the cabinet.
I made a sprint down the stairs where I saw the woman's helpless figure lying on the ground. More importantly, I saw the little girl, frozen in shock right by the open door.

I waltzed over the woman and as I made my way out of the house, I grabbed the little girl and made a run for it.
With her small plump body carefully wrapped around my arms, I kept running.

The vicious winds that howled in the forest, the rampaging leaves that blew around in all directions, the inhumane yells that came from that hell of a house... I ignored them all. I just ran and ran and ran.

When exhaustion caught up to me, I hid behind one of the trees. My back lazily slumped against it, and my arms were still tightly holding on to the little girl.
I took advantage of the ruckus mother nature was making and panted heavily. However, the little girl was still silent. At the time, I paid no attention to her. My mind and senses were only focused on getting the hell out of this forest.

I peeped so that I could see if anyone was on our tail. I didn't see or hear anyone, so I took a sigh of relief and begun to think of a way to get back home.

I had estimated that a ten minute sprint would bring us back to the sidewalk. However, I was already exhausted from the short distance I ran while carrying the little girl, and there was a huge risk of us being spotted if the man and the woman came out to look for us.

I rattled my brain for an answer. Constantly and quietly hitting my head as if I were trying to get my brain to reboot itself. Then popped an Idea.

"My phone!" I silently whispered.
I took it out and dialed the Police Department. Unfortunately, there was no signal.


I don't know what got into me but I believe the desperation begun to sink in. I kept trying and trying and trying again and again but to no avail. The girl still sat there quietly.

After what seemed like my hundredth try, I put my phone back in my pocket and prepared myself for one more dash to the end of the forest.

As I picked the girl up and placed her on my back, I heard a large bang that echoed around the forest.

At that moment, everything paused. The winds, the leaves, even the land creatures. All that moved were the birds that fleed the area.

Then there was another boom.

Then another.

Then another again.

"Where are ye, kids?" Shouted a large manly voice from the distance.

Another shot erupted.

"Oi! Don't make me repeat myself!"

Panic set in. The man was nearby and he had a gun. I was puzzled as to how he followed us this far under the catastrophic state of the weather.
I kept trying to reassure myself that he would eventually give up and go back, but then again, I had what might be his daughter in my arms.

I knew if I ran, I'd get shot on the spot... Well if he was borderline insane, which he probably was. At the same time, if I stayed then I'd be found.

I closed my eyes and held the girl tightly while she was in my arms. I was probably more scared than she was. I hated this feeling of helpessness. I hated it so much.

Then, in the distance, I heard very timid barks.
"Fluffy." Whispered the girl.

My eyes snapped open.
It all made sense to me. No wonder the deranged man was able to find us. No wonder he was able to track us through all the blowing winds and flying leaves. The stupid mutt led the deranged man here, and I believed it was going to lead him to the tree which we were hiding behind.

Or so I thought...

The barks grew louder and more fiercer until all that could be heard was the deranged man screaming in agony.

Just like how the little girl's footsteps grew fainter as her mother chased after her, the dog's barks grew fainter as the deranged man chased after it.

Another miracle! Another chance!

Without waiting another second, I seized the opportunity! I put the little girl on my back and I continued running.

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