Chapter 5

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You woke up to find Midoryia holding you. The dried tears now stained in his shirt. Guilt consumed you remembering the events from last night. The time on your clock showed just over 5am. Midoryia would have school in a couple hours however for you, you had to stay in the dorms...All alone. You sighed, getting out of bed. 

{Midoryia} "Y/N?"

{You} "Sorry did I wake you?"

{Midoryia} "Nah it's okay, you want breakfast?"

A smile beamed across his face. There was no way you could turn him down. After all he was a really good cook.

{You} "Okay but I wanna cook with you, how about we make pancakes for everyone?"

{Midoryia} "Just don't burn the place down"

He got up and flicked your forehead playfully before putting a hoodie over you. 

{Midoryia} "Don't want you getting sick now." 


You entered the kitchen, the bright light hitting your eyes with you wincing in annoyance. Midoryia smiled down at you sweetly. You ran into the kitchen like a little kid on Christmas. To then see a small figure. 

{You} "Huh Eri is that you?!"

Fun fact: You and Eri had actually become very good friends. You would occasionally have movie nights and it was just like having a little sister. 

Eri ran up to and cuddled your legs. 

{Eri} "I heard what happened!!"

{You} "Shouldn't you be still asleep young lady?"

You knelt down patting her head before lifting her up onto your hip. 

{Eri} "I was worried!"

{You} "Okay okay I'll let it slide this time"

Her face lit up like sparkles to see Midoryia stood behind you. 

{Eri} "Deku!"

{Midoryia} "Hey Eri! We were gonna make pancakes, wanna join in?"

{Eri} "Sure!"

You wrapped a little apron around the young girl as you told each other jokes. Midoryia got out the ingredients and began to start cooking. You tried to interfere thus this began to make the boy irritated but in a playful way. 

{Midoryia} "You'll burn the dorms down just set the plates out!"

{You} "Me and Eri wanna cook!!! Pweassee?"

{Midoryia} "Hell no your on the same level as a villain when it comes to cooking. "

In a fake way, you gasped in shock along with Eri. The young silver haired girl scooped up some of the pancake batter and threw it at Midoryia's face. 

{Eri} "She's not a villain meanie!" 

You began to die of laughter at the fact she just hit him in the face with batter. Suddenly, a wet gooey substance hit your face. It was indeed, pancake mixture. 

{Midoryia} "Don't laugh at me!" 

You all began to giggle like little kids, now taking the burden off your shoulders of what occurred the night before. 


// 7AM// 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙐𝙣𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚, 𝙄.𝙈𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙮𝙞𝙖Where stories live. Discover now